Leia Hair
This is what happens when we get bored.
The girls get creative with their hair. Today they decided to try to recreate Princess Leah hairstyles.
This is what happens when we get bored.
The girls get creative with their hair. Today they decided to try to recreate Princess Leah hairstyles.
We have an eating area in front of the house. We’re the country…we can eat in the front yard out here.
But it’s blah.
I watched the clock tick down…3-2-1-midnight!
I decided to drag Elijah out of bed to draw the winner.
Oh these lazy days remind me of my childhood.
The past couple of years have been draining, so we planned to have some downtime this summer.
Have you all met Kellie? She’s got the cutest blog….This Blessed Nest.
She has three small children….a three year old and one year old twins. I, like many people, have a fascination with twins. How does one survive this blessing?
I’ve been monogramming my little heart out. And I think you all need a giveaway. It won’t boost the economy, but it might boost your mood and that’s good enough for me.
The economy troubles have hit our home pretty hard over the past year. We’ve had to make a lot of lifestyle changes.
This is a typical conversation between James and I—
I have been looking forward to today. It is the first week of the Before & After Project contest.
Each Sunday during the summer they are going to choose a winning entry from all of the submissions they have gotten.
Sometimes there’s just an easy connection with someone. Why do you think this is?
There is probably a scientific explanation about chemistry and DNA and chocolate obsessions, but I like to think of it as a gift from God.
I envy those of you that can fall asleep when your head hits the pillow. If I try to go to bed when I’m not ready, I keep hearing things like, “Please put 55 seconds on the clock Alex,” running through my head. I don’t know why.