A Market Tote Giveaway!

I’ve been monogramming my little heart out.   In addition to my Etsy shop, I do monogramming for a couple of shops in town.  In the past week or so I’ve done a blanket,  baby bonnet and this lovely wall hanging–

I didn’t make the quilt, I just added the words.  It’s a 40th anniversary gift.  Isn’t that sweet?  If James and I make it to 40 years, will one of you please give me one of these in seafoam blues and greens?  Thanks in advance.

Oh oh!  I have to show you what I just did for a blogging friend.  She has been with me since my first blog started a few years ago.  That proves she’s a real trooper.  Plus she lives in Brazil, which makes her 20x cooler than me.  The rest of you are only 10x cooler than me.

She saw my Personalized Family Pillow and she emailed me with a fabulous idea.

Instead of a number and the kids’ names, we did the first initial of her last name, “V” and added the words, “Just the_____of us”.  There are five of them in her family, so it’s a whole play on the roman numeral five and her last name and….oh I just thought it was such a clever idea.

I can’t believe one of my pillows is on its way to Brazil.  I wonder if it will learn to salsa.

I’ve been working on some new items for the shop.  One is a little tag for diaper bags, backpacks, etc.  What do you think?

Do any of you desperately need one of these?

Obviously monogramming is an essential part of life.  And since the economy is in such a state of despair, I think you all need a giveaway.  It won’t boost the economy, but it might boost your mood and that’s good enough for me.

So I’m giving away one of my market baskets.

I have a pink one that I ordered just for you….

I will put anything you like on it, your blog, your family, your high school football team name….anything.

I use mine for everything.  I travel with it, flea market, picnic, just jumping in the van to run around….we always need stuff.  And this basket carries plenty.

I’ll run the giveaway until midnight on Sunday night.

The rules are simple, leave me a comment and you will be entered in the giveaway.  I’ll enter you twice if you promise to make me a 40th anniversary quilted wall hanging.

I’ll announce the winner on Monday morning and soon your fabulous pink market tote will be on its way to your house.

Linking here:

Weekend Wrap Up Party @ Tater Tots and Jello

Frugalicious Fridays @ Finding Fabulous

Spotlight Yourself @ It’s So Very Cheri

Sundae Scoop @ i heart naptime

Saturday Night Special @ Funky Junk Interiors

Flaunt it Friday @ Chick on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. I would love for you to come over and Link up your Etsy Shop in our Etsy Flock at Midchix! You can also link up in the Crafty Mamas Flock as well! post up photos of your goods linking back to your site! Nothing like a little Link Love! Beautiful Blog you have here! I will be back!

  2. So cool!!! I have been eyeballing these for FOREVER! Or for at least since you started carrying them. 😉 My birthday is coming up, and I could REALLY use one for our church potlucks each month… does that give me an extra vote?!
    .-= petersonclan´s last blog ..Knock Knock… Is Anyone There? =-.

  3. I love the Roman numeral idea. It is too bad there is no Roman numeral E. I think we both know that I can’t make the quilt. So, I guess I only get one entry! 🙂

  4. Oh, that is the most gorgeous pink tote EV.ER! Just the way it is. 😉 I use it so much and get compliments every time.

    I’d love to win one to give as a gift. I just broke out in hives even thinking of making your that gorgeous (in my mind) quilt, so… one entry please.
    .-= Grateful for Grace´s last blog ..Amen! =-.

  5. I was wandering through a blog within a blog and discovered yours. I’m heading to your Etsy shop as soon as I’m finished…. Love to market basket and the SAYING.

    1. Nancy, you must be having a ball. I love wandering through blogs. Occasionally I find a blog that is like an undiscovered treasure. I hope you had fun! Lisa~

  6. okay, now i officially hate my ‘k’ last name even MORE! (sorry hubs, ‘K’s just aren’t cool) maybe we could be all feminist and he could take MY last name cause there’s 6 of us and it starts with ‘S’…of course, that has nothing to do with roman numerals, which is what makes the pillow work….
    alright, final option, get rid of a kid and chose a new name starting with ‘v’.
    now, who’s it gonna be????
    Great giveaway! Thanks!
    .-= googiemomma´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday~Years Go By =-.

    1. googiemomma….you are cracking me up! You could have 996 MORE children and use the “M” for “Momma”. ;P

  7. oooh wait, i just re-read the rules. how many years until your 40th? i’ll totally make you a quilt…of course, i’ve never quilted, so there’s no telling what it will look like…but i’ll give it the old college try :0)
    .-= googiemomma´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday~Years Go By =-.

    1. You have 16 years to go….I think you can safely promise. By then I’ll be too old to remember anyway. 🙂

  8. WoW, that is just adorable! It would be very handy for me to be able to carry more than one thing, with my other hand devoted to the cane I use. Do these come in purple??? 😉

    1. Sorry Elaine, no purple. Red, pink, lime green, blue and black. The one I am giving away is pink. 🙂

  9. Please don’t enter me in the contest but I just wanted to tell you I love your ideas.
    Even if the pillow was a letter only, I like that so much more than a number!
    You are getting really, really good at that monogramming! Cherie

  10. I read your blog everyday and your giveaway is drawing me out of the shadows. I would love that tote! You and your family are a source of inspiration and encouragement to me. Thank you for your faithful service to your family and God. ~Deanna

    1. Mrs. Manley, I’m so glad I smoked you out! Do you facebook? I’d love to get to know you and not just have a one way relationship. 🙂 Lisa~

  11. Hi my dear Friendie!
    Lovin’ all the new cute stuff you are coming up with.
    I sooooo need THIS tote, please enter me! : ) Thanks!

  12. OH!! I love the giveaway!!
    I love what the bag above says already:
    Grateful for Grace—yes, I am–Grace is my favorite word.
    My girls are tired of me saying it, LOL!
    But, I’ll never grow tired of receiving it (though, sometimes I grow tired of giving it–I’m only 10X cooler than you, remember?)
    I dunno if I can make you a quilted wall hanging for your 40th, but I could teach YOU to Salsa!
    (my hubby and I took swing/waltz/salsa lessons together!)

    Thank you for the giveaway!

    Hugs and blessings on your day, sweet Lisa!
    .-= Leslie, the Home Maker´s last blog ..How to Cut Bamboo Blinds and Shades =-.

  13. Dear Ethel,
    Here is my comment: “Vitavetavagamin!” —That’s what you must be taking to have the energy to create all the darling stuff you create.”

    “I have an idea” about the quilt….
    P.S. When I win the tote, I do not want ‘Lucy’ on it… I want to use my ‘other’ name…. 🙂

  14. Oh, what a cheery market tote! I love your tags- I was just trying to think of something to label my kids lunch totes during summer camps- those would be perfect!

  15. I would love a market tote! My only question is what to say on it!! I do love the luggage+backpack tag . . . so cute!

  16. I want it to say ChaCha because something that cute screams Cha Cha, hehe.

    BTW, yes you can come stay with me but your should know that the bathroom is nice but you will have to sleep on a couch and not the pull out kind just a couch. Isn’t it funny the things we leave out of our post, I look like a good little host until you know that they slept on a couch in the unfinished part of the basement. But I promise I would make it up nice if you come to stay

    Cha Cha
    .-= Cha Cha´s last blog ..RECYCLE =-.

  17. Just found your site from Tater Tots and jello and wish I had know about your site long ago- I have you bookmarked now. Wonderful items and inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. So cute! I would love one of these! It would make carrying things for my 3 young kiddos oh-so-much-easier! ;)-

  19. What a wonderful giveaway!!! And it’s in the perfect color…my fave…pink!!! And you know what…IF I learn to quilt by your 40th Anniversary, I’d be happy to make you one!LOL Right now, I can’t quilt to save my life! Thanks for your generosity!!

  20. I just hopped over from Funky Junk Interiors.
    I love the pillows and the market basket is so pretty!
    Thank you for this opportunity!

  21. Just found you from the Tater Tots & Jello weekend wrap up and I can’t wait to read more! Please enter me! I am also going to check out your shop as I am sure it has a lot of cool stuff in it!

  22. I would love to win your fabulous market tote….I would love to carry it to our local farmer’s market in Dayton, OH to put my weekly goodies in it. Also, I would use it to carry my small treasures from my flea market scouting. The other ladies would be envious for sure!

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