Innsbruck Bronze

The economy troubles have hit our home pretty hard over the past year.  We’ve had to make a lot of lifestyle changes.

This is a typical conversation between James and I—

Me: James dear, can I use the credit card to spend $10 online?

James: I guess so, what is it for?  I mean, we still have to pay last month’s mortgage and I am trying to get enough together to pay the phone bill, but if you need something I guess it’s OK.

Me: Well, my sister took me for a pedicure last month and I really liked the color of the polish and I am afraid if I don’t get some right away I will forget the name of the color.

James: Oh WELL then….you didn’t tell me it was an emergency.  Of course you have to order right away!  (He gives me a sly grin)

He’s a funny guy.

I know it has hit hard everywhere.  Most of our friends are suffering in some way from the state of the economy.

But not rain, nor sleet, nor dead of bank account will keep me from my OPI Innsbruck Bronze nail polish.

I mean, there are only so many sacrifices a girl should have to make.


  1. Absolutely! One must have pretty toes…they make my second hand shoes look better! If the business Starbucks does is any indication as to the state of the economy, then everything must be great!

    BTW…you should see my bedroom walls! The Silver Sage looks AMAZING!!!!
    .-= Angela´s last blog ..Summer’s bounty =-.

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