Ready for a Cute Diffuser?!
When I first started using essential oils (in the dark ages) I had a couple of diffusers, but I would put them away when I wasn’t using them. Why? Because I love making my house pretty and those diffusers were anything but pretty! Oh sure they made the house smell amazing and helped us when we needed a mood lifter or to relax, but I didn’t like the ugly.
I wish I had a photo of my first diffuser. It looked like a crazy appliance from the 60s that was trying to be cool but really was just awkward. But I don’t have a photo of it because back then, boys and girls, we didn’t take pictures of everything like we do now. That’s right, I would have had to go get that photo developed at Walgreens to even see it.
The exciting news is that diffusers are getting more attractive. In fact the one sitting next to me right now is so pretty. It’s called a Lantern Diffuser and it’s real glass and metal. It is so elegant and the light is nice….like a candle or lamp, depending on which light setting you choose. Ignore the little screw sitting next to it….it’s been there for several months and I have no idea what it goes to. I’m afraid to move it because the minute I do I will realize it’s essential to something I need.

I’m happy to say there are more pretty diffuser options. In fact Young Living has two new ones that I just love! I don’t hide my diffusers like I used to because they can now be a cute part of the décor and not some beast that looks weird.
The little Owl diffuser (his name is Feather) is darling! He is small and so fun and great for the childrens’ rooms. But who am I kidding? I’m a big kid and I wanted him for myself. Oh sure I SAID I was buying him for the grandbabies, but he is currently sitting by my front door celebrating the fall weather with me.

He is just so cheerful! And he has a white noise option, which is definitely a plus! I’ve got a bowl of some of my favorite oils for the fall on the shelf below him so it’s quick and easy to get him going every morning. Today I put 4 drops of tangerine, 1 drop pine, 1 drop cinnamon bark and 1 drop or eucalyptus.
Holy autumn, batman! It smells wonderful in my house!

But Feather isn’t the only new diffuser on the scene. Oh no….we have one that just came out and its small and cute too, but in a different way. The new Sweet Aroma diffuser is perfect to tuck away somewhere and the price is dreamy! It’s just under $40 for members. <3

I decided to keep this one in the kitchen. We are not famous for paying attention when there’s food in the oven and we end up with a burned smell at least once a day. So this little guy is going to help me with that problem.

But if I’m being honest I really wasn’t in love with the color. Is it green? Is it gray? Something about it didn’t work for me. I watched a little video Young Living made and there was a quick line that said “and you can even paint it!’ So I decided to try that!

And they were right! It was quick and easy to tape off and took the paint really well. In 20 minutes it looked so great that I’m in love with it. I want to marry it and live happily ever after without bad smells in my kitchen. (hint: a few drops of Purification is great for those burned smells!)

I seriously might order another one and paint it red for Christmas. Add 4 drops of Christmas Spirit and a few drops of Orange and you’ve got holiday in a bottle.
There are several other great diffuser options that look really nice too! The Desert Mist is one that I love and use it in my bedroom and in the dining room (ok yes, I am a diffuser-addict and I don’t even care). You can get the Desert Mist in your Premium Starter Kit and you’ll LOVE it!
The Desert Mist is the one on the left in the picture below. My friend April took this pic and it shows how cute the diffusers are these days!

So what’s your style? Minimalist, like the Dewdrop (pictured above second from the left) or Feather the Owl? Or do you like a bit of elegance like the Lantern Diffuser? Maybe you are like me and love them all so you need several around the house in different styles.
Whatever your personal style, you NEED a diffuser or two (or five or seven)! Just think, you could use something this adorable to help with sour moods and mental clarity and all the winter yuckiness that hits every year. And nothing toxic or dangerous to worry about….yes please!
Now, most of the diffusers I mentioned are not an option for the starter kit, but that’s OK. Order the Dewdrop or Desert Mist with your 12 kit oils and add Feather or the Aroma Sweet to your order. You won’t find a better way to lift the mood of your house. Get the diffuser going and put on some joyful music and you’ve got a perfect combination for a gloomy day.
Of course the oils are for much more than diffusing. That’s only one way to use the oils. Be sure to check out my post An Oily Day in the Life and my Smells of Disney posts!
To get your starter kit click HERE. Add whatever else you want to your order and once you’re done I’ll send you all kind of help you know how to use the oils and diffuser. And you get to join my exclusive Facebook group filled with tons of ideas and info. You’ll love them!!!
Happy diffusing!