
We All Need to Take a Day Off Once in a While

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day……LOVE!

I have much to do to get my little love gifts ready.  I’m writing notes to the kids and giving them teeny things.  For James I’m making his favorite dinner, homemade egg rolls.  Nothing says love to James like a homemade egg roll.

Yesterday was a low key day.  It was one of my rare pajama days.  I really needed a day to unwind after all of the activity of the past week.  I just don’t do well with extreme activity.  This is the one reason I don’t apply to be on the The Amazing Race.  Well, that and my fear of being forced to eat live squid in India.

While in my pajamas I did something I haven’t done since my postpartum recovery days.  I watched 3 hours of Matlock and ate chips.  This is my idea of extreme relaxation.  I don’t need a spa experience.  I just need Lays and the Hallmark channel.  I’m a simple girl with simple needs.

It’s true.  Sure I have to sleep in dead silence with a fan blowing straight on me and not one ray of light anywhere within a 5 mile radius.  But what’s complicated about that?

Having a low key day gave me time to spend with each of the kids.  Instead of rushing past, “Yes, honey.  Thanks for showing me your coloring picture but Mommy has to do something, bye!” I got to breathe in the joy that is my children.

At one point Adam brought me a book and he said, “I found this in my room, what should I do with it?”

Me: Hmmmm….(turning it over in my hands)…what IS this strange and mysterious object?  It appears to have symbols in it.  I wonder what they mean?  What could you do with it?  Use it to step on when you need to reach something high?  Hold it in front of you for protection when someone is throwing rocks at you?  It could be fuel when you need to start a fire.”

Adam: MOMMY!  I KNOW what to do with with it!  I mean what should I DO with this one?!

I pretended not to understand.  He tried to explain.  I looked puzzled, he got more and more frustrated with me.

Really, why have kids if you can’t entertain yourself with them?

Maybe for Valentine’s Day I will give him a book.  I can put a note in it that reads, “Dear Adam, I found this at the store.  I wonder what you should do with it. Love, Mommy”

I’m off today to get school done then get my Valentine’s Day gifts ready.  I do love it.  I don’t care if no one does anything for me….I just love doing it for them so much that’s enough.  But if someone wanted to wrap up a bag of chips and a few 80’s mystery shows in a big red bow I wouldn’t turn it down.


  1. there is nothing complicated about having a fan when you sleep – until you travel and the desk clerk at the hotel looks at you like you’re a crazy monster when you ask for a fan to be sent up to your room 🙂

  2. I’m completely with you on the Lay’s and 80’s mysteries. I also like Murder She Wrote. Jessica Fletcher is so clever. lol I also sleep with a fan and no light. A simple girl with simple needs. I like that.

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