3 Things About Me

Doncha just love getting to know more personal things about other people?  You can see my furniture, but who really am I?  Does my blood run aqua?  Am I skinny on the inside?  Ice there Sonic ice running through my veins?

So I thought I’d go a little deeper today.  Three things that might make you feel like you know me better.  Then I hope you’ll share some with me too.

1. I’m very quiet.  Not shy, just quiet.  And I don’t mean just that I don’t say much, but my volume.  I move softly and I speak quietly.  In fact, we’re pretty quiet at our house as a whole.  Considering there are 11 people here every second of every day…..it’s pretty darn peaceful.  But I’m also quiet in that I don’t say much.  If someone else is talking a lot I won’t interrupt.  So if you’re chatty, it can take a while to get to know me.

2. I am my parents oldest child.  First born.  OK, I’ll just say it…..I’m bossy.  I like things the way I like them and that’s it.  I have matured enough in 47 years to stop expecting other people to agree with me, but I’m still not very bendy.  Eating out, for example, I just want to go to the places I know and eat the same meal every time.  I don’t care for adventure in my dining and that’s all there is to it.

3. OK, I’d better think of something that makes me sound more appealing.  Oh!  I love to dance.  Dance might be the wrong word.  It’s more like jumping around being joyful with no real talent.  I don’t mind breaking into dance anywhere.  In a store, in the car, at a conference.  Just yesterday I was waiting for the girls at Walmart and I opened a card that started playing music, so I started dancing….all by myself….right in the middle of the store.  Life’s too short to worry about what other people think.  If you ever feel like dancing….I’ll dance with you!

Speaking of conferences, I’m headed to a one next month where I will probably exhibit all of these 3 things.  Quiet, a little bossy and dancing whenever I feel like it.  I’m looking forward to meeting some new, Christian bloggers and taking a few days to reflect on God’s plan for my blog.  I need that every once in a while.

I am doing my first market of this kind while I’m there.  I’ll have lots of pretties from my shop that I’m excited to show.

Now it’s your turn!  What 3 things can you share that will help us get to know you better?

Follow me on Facebook for more conversation and getting to know each other!



  1. 1) I am very tender hearted – it doesn’t take much to break my heart or hurt my feelings, but I am getting better. 2) I’m bossy too. I think it is a first born thing. I just see things that need to be done and……..uhhh I guess I have no problem saying so.. 🙂 3) I love deeply….everyone that I love that is, which is goes back to number 1 I guess :~)

    1. Oh Donna! I worry I would hurt your feeling all of the time. I almost said your third thing too…I love so deeply. If you’re my friend I will do anything for you. I love that about you! Lisa~

      1. That is funny you say you would worry about hurting my feelings. No one I know seems to worry about it. lol I think the fact that you would worry about, would make me really like you!

    1. Rebecca, I know it! And I am so often right, that I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t just do what I want. LOL! Lisa~

  2. 1. I am a Christian and love God with all my heart <3. 2. I am the baby of the family so like to get my way but can handle others getting their way since I am older (55). 3. Love to meet new people and when I love you , I LOVE YOU and will do anything for you! Nice to meet you Lisa.

    1. Karen, you’re my kinda gal! Your #3 is exactly how I am. Totally devoted to my friend. Nice to meet you too! Lisa~

  3. 1. I’m very passionate about Truth; 2. I weep almost every single time I talk about Jesus. 3. I not only have my own chainsaw and rototiller, but I know how to lay tile, shingle the roof, and I scored a 248/250 on my CHL test. 🙂 (I am a paradox–hahahaha!)

    1. Oh Antbed! I cry when I talk about anything that has real meaning to me. And I don’t have those tools or know what a CHL test is, but I’m still impressed! Lisa~

  4. Yes, yes, yes to #2 and 3. I cannot be quiet. I didn’t get that chromosome in my DNA, but the dancing, oh, the dancing. Love it.
    Okay, so my three things:
    1. I hate being barefoot except at the beach. I am always wearing, shoes, socks or slippers of some sort.
    2. I have gotten to the point where I just don’t take myself as seriously as I used to (like your #3). I have no problem being goofy or being who I really am, no matter who I’m with.
    3. I have a discerning spirit and that has saved me quite a few times, thank you, Jesus. However, if I’m not careful (i.e. in the Word, praying, etc), it can start to tip the balance towards judging. God is working on that with me.

    Is the conference you’re going to next month Allume? I hope, I hope!! I’m going and it would be so nice to meet you!

    1. Jamie, I love your #3! Being quiet and listening has saved me from many a mess (if you can believe that since I get into to many messes despite that!). The conference I am going to is Influence. We’ll meet someday! Lisa~

      1. Oh I’ve been contemplating going but must admit I am terribly shy in a group setting. Once I relax, well then you would think I’m an extrovert!! But really this is only about 45 minutes from home… 🙂

  5. Here goes –
    1. I am on a quest to eliminate people from my life who do not bring me joy – its so liberating!
    2. I tend to use a sledgehammer in situations where a velvet glove would work fine – I am trying to retire the sledgehammer
    3. I love finding people who are totally different from me and learning new things from them…take you for instance – I have almost nothing in common with you yet I so enjoy reading about you and your family each day!

    1. Jen, I just hope you’re not combining #1 and #2 by eliminating people with a sledgehammer! LOL! I hear you on that one….I used to be much less delicate in my delivery than I am now (if you know me in real life, stop laughing). I’m so glad to meet you! I don’t need to have things in common with all of my friends…differences make life interesting. 🙂 Lisa~

  6. 1. I am a shy extrovert… I know odd combination, huh? but once I get comfortable in a situation I can talk the ears off a cauliflower… i.e. i’ve never met a cashier who i didn’t end up chatting with…
    2. I have a hard time letting anyone cook in my kitchen which has made it hard for me to teach the boys to cook… its the control freak in me (being the first born, oh make that the only born, ha ha!)
    3. I love being around people but enjoy the peace and quiet of nature. crowds freak me out… especially at the mall… but i love the hustle and bustle of flea markets and farmers markets (refer back to #1)

  7. Let’s seeeeee:
    1. I love ice skating. I mean REALLY LOVE it. When I hear music, I skate in my head to it. Probably because I used to competitively ice skate for 7.5 years in my youth.
    2. I’m an only child and VERY spoiled. Some are surprised by it, and others see it in me!
    3. I’m a loyal friend. 😉

    1. Christine, really? Ice skating? You’re in the wrong part of the country for that. Do you ever get to do it now? Lisa~

  8. I am a one year breast cancer survivor and almost 2 year skin cancer survivor and am VERY proud to be able to say that. I am a wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, friend and teacher. I love junkin whenever I can and am a Pinterest addict…;)

    1. Oh Julie that is awesome! You are an inspiration! Please share your Pinterest name so we can all find you there! Lisa~

  9. Definitely agree with #2. How many of us there are!! 1) People used to think I was stuck-up because I am shy at first. I’m the girl who waves at the sign-holder people, start conversations with total random strangers and try to compliment someone at least once while I’m out (even though I think they sometimes think I’m not being genuine), but if I’m meeting someone or in a group setting I don’t know I am shy. 2) I hate being the center of attention. I would have been happy eloping because of it, I hate opening presents in front of people and I honestly dread that part of my funeral!! 3) I would live in almost a pig-pen if it weren’t for my husband who is a clean freak… I would much rather read, play games or play outside than clean.

    1. Oh Leila we are opposite in the neatness department. How funny that you say that about your funeral, that’s some serious shyness. LOL! Lisa~

  10. 1. I think I usually come across as much milder than I really am, but I can be really passionate about things so that I would stand up for a conviction no matter the cost. 2. I really love adventure, going new places, trying new things, lots of change! 3. I am a very artsy person, but also a strong traditionalist and conservative – the juxtaposition is usually something unique!

    I only comment on here from time to time, but now that I have been reading your blog for a couple of years, I really feel like I have gotten to know you, Lisa. As a matter of fact, from time to time I will be telling my husband about something that you have written, and refer to you as my friend, Lisa. He thinks it is really funny, but I have appreciated your transparency and how you have opened yourself up for us to know you. You are the only friend I have with a large family like mine, so I really enjoy getting to know you and your family through your blog.

    1. Mandy, you are a treasure! Every time I see a comment come in from you I think, “Hey, my friend Mandy!” So you just tell that to your husband. We ARE real friends, no doubt about it. 🙂 Lisa~

  11. 1) My parents were first cousins. That right there explains a lot about me.
    2) My sweet exterior hides a DEEPLY SARCASTIC interior.
    3) I watch my pets and imagine what they are thinking and then talk for them in voices that I think they would sound like if they could actually speak.
    Do you still like me?

  12. Three things about me…hmmm
    1. I work as an accountant but am very creative – love to sew and do crafts – wish I could get paid at the latter it is more fun.
    2. I am a proud Girl Scout Leader – my girls have been with me for a long time – 2 just graduated and one of them has not only earned her Gold Award but has earned the Woman of Distinction Award.
    3. I am a Mom and Wife which are probably the most rewarding things I do – and I HATE to clean – looking for a cleaning fairy!!

    1. Mary Kay, how sweet that you love your girls so much. We all could use a cleaning fairy. LOL! Lisa~

  13. Hi there, Lisa!
    Oh our quiet introverted natures make me smile really big! I can’t wait to meet you and to hear all about your big peaceful family. That sounds simply divine. 😉

    Joyfully excited to meet you!
    ~Kirsten (P.S. I love exclamation points and happy faces. They are vices of the worst sort.)

    1. My sister once gave me a gift that said, “I’m not bossy, I just have better ideas.” It was then that I knew she really understood. Lisa~

  14. I’m not very quiet, but I try to be…especially with my 3 yo. I think I come across as quite sassy, but I’m really very submissive.
    I’m OCD, which is good because it keeps my house tidy and my body thin. Bad because I feel physical (pain?, stress?, panic?) if things are too disorderly in my home.
    I like to dance, too. Mostly to entertain, annoy, or have fun with my children. (Their reaction depends on their age). Oh yeah, I have NO talent for dancing 🙂

    1. Charity, we have the OCD thing in common! And annoying the kids is the BEST part of dancing! Lisa~

  15. Hmm, I think you already know all these but for the folks that don’t ////

    1) I am a hugger. An H-U-G-G-E-R, if we meet chances are I will hug you. Even if it is awkward , my hopes are after that awkward moment we won’t have any more moments like those , I mean we’ve hugged and everything. Oh, and once we hug, as far as I am concerned we will be life long friends 🙂

    2) Opposite from Lisa, I am a talker … even online … I talk even more when I am nervous, or others are nervous … or any other old reason really 🙂 I think all my babbling helps to make others feel at ease. I hope it really does.

    3) I am trusting, sometimes to a fault. Loyal and generous, also sometimes to a fault. I think I would have made a very good retriever or maybe even a lab. 🙂

    Lastly, I am sad I’m not going with you next month! and forever grateful to have a friend like you. Don’t laugh but I was contemplating on some things today and when I thought of how lucky I have been to cross paths with you, I got a bit teary eyed. Forever and ever your bloggin friend (and real life one too)

    1. Stacy, you are such a doll! I’m sad you’re not with me everywhere to keep me cheered up. There aren’t words to say how much I love you! Lisa~

    1. Amanda, that’s why you’re the perfect friend for me. I need people around me to pull me out of my shell! Can’t wait to meet you soon, Lisa~

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