My New Year’s Wish

It was 4:00 in the morning and I was sound asleep.  In my dream someone was calling, “Mommy!  Mommy!”

Then that groggy feeling, maybe-it’s-not-a-dream, try to wake up….is someone calling me?

I could barely discern Levi calling out, “Mommy!”  I stumbled into the nursery and whispered, “What do you need, baby?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do you need your blanket?  Did your pillow fall on the floor?”

I groped around and found that everything was in its place.

“Levi?  What do you need sweetie?”

“Oh Mommy!  I need YOU!”

My heart melted.  My three year old so little and squishy soft needs Mommy and nothing else.

I fought the urge to tell him to go back to sleep.  I knew it was going to be a long weekend and I needed more rest.

“Come on buddy.  Come sleep with me,” I said.

“Yes ma’am!” he says as if he’s just following orders.

He claimed my pillows and I scooched over to try to get at least a spot on the corner.  One little boy taking up most of the bed.

I rubbed his tummy and said softly, “Let’s go back to sleep now.”

“Mommy, can we just talk for a while?”

Uhhhh, OK.

He talked about his new playhouse and the movie he watched last night and the game that he got for Christmas.  So much in his little head that needed to get out.

Once, about 5 minutes into his stories, he heard me snoring and said, “Mommy!  You can’t go to sleep!  I need to tell you things!”

He continued to talk until he drifted off…..still using most of the bed for himself.

I listened to his slow breathing and wondered if I could bottle this moment.

One more day in 2010.  One more day to spend with my little guy and my other kids all growing up too quickly for me.

I wish he would stop, stay little and want to be with me.  I wish for a million more 4:00 am moments to spend together.

Happy New Year my friends.  Enjoy your babies!


  1. Precious. This morning (middle of the night) when Paisley crawled into our bed I at first thought, “um, did she forget that grandma is here? In the bed right next to her?”. But, then I realized just how sweet it is to have her sweet curly head next to me. To hear her little whimpers in her sleep. I can look at Haley and realize that they won’t wake up needing us forever. I don’t always appreciate these moments as I should but I did last night.

  2. I miss those moments….they are precious and pure love. God made them so precious, and gives us those moments so we can handles those moments when they aren’t so precious LoL

  3. Well, its 8:30am on 1st Jan 2011 here in Australia,
    So Happy New Year! Wishing you a wonderful 2011 filled with special moments and memories
    God Bless

  4. Our little guy regularly likes to climb into bed with us in the wee morning hours….it is precious and won’t last forever, so we try to savor it!

  5. And this is why I love to snuggle with my little guy so much. My husband hates that I fall asleep almost every night with J, but his little fat arm around my neck and his hot breath in my face is worth it every single time. Love this post!

  6. Lisa, What a sweet post! My darling four year old grandson said to me “grandma will you talk to me”. He went on to tell me about his friends at pre-school and how much he loves his dog. All of a sudden he was finished talking and hugged me and ran upstairs. My heart melted into a big puddle on the floor. Children grow up so quickly that if you blink your child is now a grown man with kids of his own.

  7. Whew!!! That was close – I almost let hubby talk me into baby #3 after reading this post!!
    Still, I sooo love when mine (ages 8 and 6) get to have their turn bunking with mama for a special night!

    Oh, and – Happy New Year – I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for all of us!

    Sheri O.

  8. Lisa that is just the sweetest memory ever for you to hold near and dear to your heart. Thank you for posting this sweetest ever post!

  9. Oh, those are my favorite mornings too. We sent Jimmy to stay with Nana & papa for the night of his fifth birthday. The first time Caroline has had me all to herself for an evening. I could not believe all that my sweet, quiet child had to say. She could have talked for hours, most days she hardly says a word. Guess we all need a little extra time with Mom now & then. Lord knows I need my one on one time with them. God Bless your sweet (well, guess little doesn’t really fit here … but) little family. Squeeze him tight, can’t wait till we get to meet him. Happy New Year

  10. dear Mama Musings,

    “Let them be little…let them sleep in the middle…” I thought with 6 kiddos growing up in this house, the endless nights of interupted sleep would go on forever. Now the littlest is 9 and rarely ever asks to crawl in our bed anymore. Wow, he nursed a lonnnnng time, and ended this breast-feeding Mamas’ career on a dramatic note, but here he is all independant and “in the upper-brackets of childhood already” (my grandpa used to say that about 9 year olds) What happened to all those babies? I must have blinked.

    Smiling through my tears today when I read this

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