A Little More About Us

I’m hooking up to a link party about large familes over at Life in a Shoe.  My Grateful friend is over there too….you’ve got to see her post about raising a large family at a camp where her husband works.  She and her family are so cool!

We, much less cool,  are a family of 11.  We live in the Texas Hill Country in an 85+ year old farmhouse that we have slowly redone.  It’s a work in progress….and I blog about it all.  🙂

Come on in….

Here in the living room we watch the occasional movie.  We also have homechurch in here.  We pull in chairs from other rooms and even though it’s small, it works.

We homeschool our kids, although this year I only have 6 in school.  The oldest 2 are graduated and the youngest, at 3, isn’t officially in school yet.

We also raise milk goats and laying chickens.  We aren’t very good at it, so the animals pretty much have their way around here.

We also run a small guest house that is behind our house.  It stays pretty full year ’round.  This is a ministry for our family.  You are all welcome to come and stay anytime!

James, the head of this crazy operation, is a CPA (also in law school) with an office on our property.  So technically he works at home, but he works so much that it’s like he’s not here.  Even though he’s 30 steps away, we mostly communicate through email and texts.

In addition to homeschooing, I have an Etsy shop and I write and speak on child training.  Life stays pretty full around here!

That’s us in a nut shell.  I hope you’ve enjoyed this little post about us.  If you want to learn more about other large families….go check out Life in a Shoe.


  1. Hi Lisa
    I just found your family blog this weekend. It is wonderful to see how all of you are doing. With the different last name, you might not remember me…I am Laura, Joel’s former wife.
    I have been living in Idaho for the past three years and working as the Library Director for our public library. I just wanted to say Hi and let you know I was enjoying your blog.
    Love, Laura

  2. I think I learned a ton about you that I didn’t know and I thought I knew a lot. Home Church did not know, I have lots of questions. Goats, did not know, when I grew up we have goats and made cheese, I miss the cheese, do you make cheese? Guest house. did not know, hubby wants to come to Texas so in the future I may take you up on the offer and get to really give up a hug, oh what a great day that would be. Knew about your hubby’s job and school but did not know he was right there. So glad you did this.

    Cha Cha
    .-= Cha Cha´s last blog ..HOMESCHOOLING the yard sale edition =-.

  3. Thanks for the peek into your life — I am always so inspired by your posts. I didn’t realize you were in TX. You asked on my blog awhile back if there was something big on the horizon — yes, we’re praying about and waiting on a green light to move to a children’s home in South Texas — quite a way from our usual neck of the woods in the Pacific NW. We’ll see if it’s what He has planned. Trying to remain patient while we wait on Him, and I gotta say, your blog is one of my favorite distractions. 😉
    .-= Cara´s last blog ..Bad Blogger! Bad! =-.

  4. Love learning a little more about you guys! SUCH a beautiful home and family! -shaunna 🙂 (oh, and you’re welcome anytime to stay in my guest bedroom! 😉

  5. Oh I am SO thankful to have “hopped” over here from 4 moms. I can’t wait to read more on your site. We are about to take a big step, raise eyebrows, get strange looks, and some disapproving emails….. in other words, homechurch. It’s a path God has been leading us down and only about 1 in 500 people seem to understand. When I saw that you do it I actually got tears in my eyes. We’ve only begun talking about it with other people and their heavy responses are weighing me down. For some reason I never even thought about checking blogs to see if other people do it. If you don’t mind, I may just email you in the future as I have questions.
    Thank you for opening your home up for us to see.

  6. Oh I love love your style.A blue piano, wow. I am inspired.Blue won’t work for my house but I am going to be thinking ….my piano needs some sprucing up.
    I plan to spend a ton of time looking around your adorble blog and home.
    By the way we have homechurced for years, it is such sweet fellowship. Nice to find some fellow home-everythingers out there.

  7. Hi! We homechurch as well here in Iowa as well! I love your decorating style! I’m trying to create a peaceful meeting of vintage, country, and cabin (the last for my husbands sanity!). Wish me luck! Haha!

  8. I love your place! Gorgeous! I am such a farmhouse girl wannabe 🙂
    Wow! To have so many children and your place looks wonderful…
    I just have 3, and I try to keep up. Just started homeschooling.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Becky C
    A Country Classroom

  9. Get out of here! (This is the part where I literally push you in real life – not hard or offensively of course, consider it more of a love tap!) You’re in the Hill Country? How far away???? I live on the SE side of San Antonio near Floresville & La Vernia. How awesome as I embark on my first year of homeschooling (3 & 4 year old preschool) I have such a fantastic resource so close to home! Yay! I’m absolutely giddy I got to read about you tonight.

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