Empire State Cookie


A dream of my older two kids.

They have spent the day working on a contest. A 12-Hour film competition.

From 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM they have been frantically working to complete a 1 minute film.

One minute people. Do you know how long it takes to make a one minute movie? Longer than I thought, that’s for sure.

In order to assure they didn’t start early, the host of the competition included security elements. These are things that have to be in the film. At 8:00 this morning they learned that they have to include in their movie…candy, the line, “I’ve never seen that before” and a time lapse camera technique.

I was in charge of props. And cleanup. And laughing at their silliness. These are all important jobs. Here’s the prop crew….

(I have to stop here to point out….I did not realize that I have such a huge head. I know she’s 12 years old, but seriously. Standing next to her I look like a cartoon character!)

Sorry, it was too distracting. I’ll get back to the movie making now.

Here is one of our beautiful props. Aren’t you impressed with my abilities as a prop mistress? I think I missed my calling.

Huh? What do you mean, don’t give up my day job?

Checking the website at 8:00 AM to find out the security elements.

Storyboarding (don’t ask me what storyboarding is. I just live here)

The star of the movie….

It was a mess. There was flour everywhere!

Will it ever be clean again?


But that’s OK. It’s all for the good of mankind. Or the ten people that will see the movie. Whichever.

Here it is. The finished project. Enjoy!


  1. First of all, cute and clever!
    Secondly, *J* talked AND smiled. Wowza.
    Thirdly, *L* got a line. You know, you have to pay him now? Oh, wait. He got a cookie. I think that counts.
    Fourthly, your heed. Funny, very funny (I misspelled that on purpose… it's movie quote, in case you don't recognize it.)

    Hope it wins something!

  2. OK, am I the only one that was thinking, "Heed?, Heed? Like calling him, warning him? Heed?" LOL! What movie is that from? You crack me up.

    Yes Dawn, now that I'm a star I think it's appropriate that I have such a big head, right? LOL!

  3. You guys did a great job! What fun it looked like you all had, and you got to eat your results – or maybe not! Ours was fun, too – we got to be out the freezing (7 above) temperatures (Hannah's hands almost froze off). It sure is a lot of work for a one minute movie – fur sure!

  4. Our family loves it!
    Such entertainment! We've watched it over and over, so it was worth it all. By the way, your kitchen looks great! Happy New Year! The R. Family

  5. They did a GREAT job! The kids and I have watched it over and over, and think that J is so coool!

    I loved seeing him smile and dialog. Everyone did a great job, and looked like you had fun making it!

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