Post-Christmas Clean-Up

Christmas trash and messes and leftovers.

They’re everywhere.

For a neat freak like me, it is a hard time. I want the kids to enjoy it all, but the Legos. Everywhere. Legos.

It’s what moms do. We set aside our own need for order and sanity for the love of the children.

Today we are taking down the Christmas decorations. It is my way. I like it gone the day after Christmas. I like the furniture to go back into its place and the best part….everything gets a good sweeping under it before we put it back.

I love knowing that the floors are all clean under the furniture where you can’t see it.

I know I’m a freak.

I told you that from the beginning.

But I am telling you the truth when I say that I have not said much yet. I have not complained about the Legos all over the floor. I have not fussed about books and candy lying about the house. I have not lost my cool over the stocking stuffers strewn about.

I’m not completely good. I have gone around picking up every little piece of trash that I see. The part that makes me good is that I don’t make them do it. I can only let so much go. I’m not a saint people!

We had a wonderful Christmas. Everyone has something new to do, including me.

Sadly, cleaning up the trash keeps me entertained and as I wander about the house I get to interact with the kids and enjoy what they’re up to.

It’s Christmas. Do what makes you happy. Me, I’m going to organize the new toys.

Ooh I get excited just thinking about it!


  1. We did all of our cleaning and taking down all the Christmas decorations this morning. It felt so good!

  2. See? My sister, Jenni, is a freak just like me. I think we can all be clear that it is our mother's fault. Lisa~

  3. Ha!! I don't like to take it down immediately because I'm usually too tired, but I do like it when it's down. The house seems so much cleaner. 😉 I'm proud of you for letting your kiddos play for awhile before they have to straighten up and organize.

  4. lol..sounds really nice of you, but don't come over here as I'm sure you would lose control with the the dust and cmas decor not put away..still have another party on Friday!

    you know they say it runs in the family 😉

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