Ode to the Oughts

Dear 2000-2009,

Farewell. I can’t believe you are over. You gave and you took.

You gave me my last three children. All boys. The 8 year old is a little weird, but I’ll forgive you for that. He’s sweet.

You took many of my loved ones. My grandmother in 2003, a baby the same year. My precious brother in 2004, my wonderful mother-in-law in 2005 and my beautiful sister-in-law in 2006. It was rough.

You aged me. But I don’t mind. With age comes wisdom. Hopefully.

You weren’t much help in the weight department. In 2003 I lost 100 pounds. By 2005 I had gained 75 back. I hope the next decade will be more of a help than you were.

There were IRS battles and a CPS investigation. Sickness and struggle. But also there was so much joy, new friends and building our 80 year old farmhouse into a home for our family. Goats and chickens, trips to Canton and acting in plays.

Sadly, I’m still driving the same van I was driving at the beginning of the decade.

Through it all, you helped me grow closer to the Lord. It was your hard times and your suffering that drew me to my knees. So I can’t be mad about it. God knew what I needed.

Good bye 2000-2009.

You will be remembered.


  1. Wow that's a lot from 2000-2009….gonna have to make a list of milestones now that I am thinking about it.
    🙂 Heather

  2. Nicely put..many trails for sure!

    Adios is what I say!

    and One more decade closer to Christ return!!!

    Come Lord Jesus, come!!!

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