Thank You Dallas
I’m home from Dallas and a little groggy. My kids keep saying, “Mommy, you’re falling asleep while I’m talking.” It’s a little like those first days post-partum,
I’m home from Dallas and a little groggy. My kids keep saying, “Mommy, you’re falling asleep while I’m talking.” It’s a little like those first days post-partum,
I don’t have interesting things to say this morning. I’m just so happy that the cowboys didn’t get eliminated on The Amazing Race. I was worried. They are my favorite team.
The weekend was quick and full. When I got to my parent’s house Mom said almost immediately, “I want you to help me move some furniture.”
Oh yeah baby. That was when I knew it was going to be a great visit.
The kids and I (minus Jacob…it’s a bummer when your kids grow up and get jobs) are heading off to Grandma and Grandpa’s this weekend.
It’s a 5 hour drive. But traveling with kids is counted like dog years.
On the last night of my Blissdom trip I was supposed to stay with my sweet friend Shaunna. But her dad had a medical emergency so I thought it best to just stay in a hotel. I’m happy to say that her dad is doing a bit better, but he still needs our prayers.
I’ve been mulling over what I wanted to say about Blissdom. The main thing I want to express is how impressed I was with the team that put the conference together. Seriously amazing. They did an incredible job.
My drive home from Blissdom was difficult.
On Sunday morning I started feeling sick. I had a little cough and was feeling a bit achy. But I took some Tylenol and it held it back.
I’ve spent the last two days surrounded by piles. Piles of things I need to take with me to Nashville, piles of to-do lists, piles of school work that I need to leave behind for the kids.
It has been harder to prepare to leave them than if I were taking them with me.
Yes, I am leaving. By myself. With no children to ask me a million questions and a have desperate need for a Sprite. No husband to say things like, “No, we are not stopping at that yard sale.”
Contrary to what you might think, I did not drop off of the face of the earth.
This past weekend was a whirlwind of activities. James and I went to the Texas Homeschool Coalition Leadership Training Conference. Uh-huh.