It’s a Choice

Do you ever notice how much energy people use getting upset? And how they drain the energy of everyone around them? Like today when the woman in the parking lot spent five minutes yelling at me because she thought I parked too close to her car and I COULD have hit it. But I didn’t…

The Bookshelf

OK, it’s time to lighten things up around here. Whenever I need to get my mind off of things I do what everyone does….I redecorate something. Huh? What do you mean everyone doesn’t do that? Really? But it’s so relaxing! How can this be? Sadly for you, this blog springs from the inside of my…

My Four Sons

While DUH took the older kids to see “The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry” I went to visit my grandfather with this motley crew….. Come on guys. Look over here at Mommy. OK, look over here and straighten your heads Nevermind. When we were leaving, the boys saw how hard it was for me to get…

More on Shoes

I hear a little, 12 year old voice wandering around the house, “Can I borrow some shoes?” “Do you have any shoes I can wear?” “Please sir. Might you have a pair of shoes for my poor, tired feet?” The youngest girl has no shoes. Didn’t we go through this like….last week? Apparently her feet…

My Favorite Season

Whew! The summer madness is finally over. Now the fall craziness begins. The steady stream of guests in the casita has slowed to a crawl. But the film making push has begun (actually, it started a month ago, but now the deadline looms upon us). We have several movies going here. The oldest boy is…

World Travels

OK, so maybe not WORLD travels. But when you are a Texan you pretty much think there’s nothing interesting to see north of Dallas or west of El Paso. So I’m going to Houston tomorrow. Yesterday I was in Austin. I might just make it all the way around the world and take the kids…