The Trail Walk
Well it’s day 10 of my 75 Hard challenge and I’m still hanging in there. I am home today for the first time since day 1 and ready to find my footing with this.
For 8 days I was travelling, and it was difficult to figure out what to eat, where to do both workouts (don’t forget that one of them has to be outside), and to get all of the water. Even the reading was hard. I’d be going to bed and realize I hadn’t done it and after a day of travel I struggled to stay awake even for just 10 pages. But I did it! I did every single thing every single day.
Yesterday I knew would be the hardest. I woke up in a hotel room, had about 2 hours to do everything from the workout to my morning Young Living work sessions to showering and getting packed up. Then I was going to a wedding to be the helper for one of my besties, the mom of the groom. I would need to give my full focus toward helping her for the rest of the day. Then I had a late 5.5 hour drive home. I did my first workout in the fitness center at the hotel. Check. But where would I do my second, outdoor workout?
Let me be clear that while I am calling these “workouts” that’s because that is what the challenge calls them. I am not killing myself in these. I do an easy ride on an exercise bike, or take a walk, or do a workout video then add some exercise bands to fill 45 minutes. For me it’s about getting into motion and staying in motion with intent to strengthen my body. So you might not call me going for a 45 minute walk a workout, but for me right now it is what I am doing. I do push myself a little and I expect to do it a little more as I get used to the schedule.
Anyway, I want to tell you about yesterday. I did my morning hotel workout, got my gallon of water all set up, for my eating I decided to fast a little later than usual so I didn’t have to worry about food. But how would I get that second outdoor workout in?! I couldn’t figure it out so I would ask God to give me direction and show me. I would keep my eyes open for the opportunity and if nothing came up I would walk around in my yard late at night after I got home.
Then it started to rain at home. And rain and rain and rain. I knew I wouldn’t be able to walk around in the dark in the pouring rain. I thought maybe I would do stretches and weights on my front porch. It would be 10:00 at night in the rain after a really long day, which didn’t sound fun but if it was what I had to do I would do it.
I was also looking for ways to do it while I was on the road. I knew I would stop at Bucees, maybe I could walk around the parking lot there. But no, it was raining there when I got there with no end in sight. Ok, maybe I could find another quick stop to march around, but the rain wouldn’t stop. So I kept driving.
Then it happened. I pulled in to a rest area to use the bathroom and the rain had just stopped. It looked like it would start again any minute, but it was a nice break (driving in the rain always makes me tense). As I was walking back out to my car I saw a bench across the parking lot and what looked like a little trail behind it. I walked over and sure enough….there was a little nature trail at the rest area and it wasn’t raining! This was it!

But I wasn’t sure if it would be safe for me to walk around on a trail that was surrounded by trees right off the highway by myself. It would be very easy to attack someone there! Just as I was wondering if I should do it a car with 4 women pulled up and they were getting out and taking their dinner over to one of the picnic tables. I walked over and told them my situation and asked them how long they would be there. They said at least half an hour because they needed a break from their driving. So I asked if I could give them my phone number then would they text me if anyone else went down the trail, so I could be safe. They said they would be happy to!
So off I went! I ended up going around the trail several times to get my 45 minutes in and each time I passed the women they would smile and wave and cheer me on. That was sweet! Thankfully, no one else ever went on the trail (I am betting it’s not often used) and about 30 minutes into my walk they texted to tell me they were leaving. I really appreciated them!

As soon as my 45 minutes were up I hightailed it to my car and I was back on the road. And just then it started to rain again. I felt like God did that just for me, made the rain stop for 45 minutes so I could do my nature trail walk. And that walk definitely gave me a renewed energy to stay awake for the rest of the drive home. I was so thankful for that.
I couldn’t help thinking while I was walking on that quiet trail about how this decision to do this challenge had me there, in a place I would never, and I mean NEVER, have gone otherwise. On road trips I like to get where I am going and rarely stop except for anything but a quick potty break, much less to just go for a walk for 45 minutes! But it was really nice and I appreciated every step of my walk with God. I talked to Him as I walked and He is such a good listener and comforter.
I did my 10 pages of reading after I got home and visited with my boys for a little while. I was worn out, and kept falling asleep while reading. But I did it. Day 9 done.
I will be home now for a little while and I am soooo looking forward to some normalcy, being in my own bed, cooking in my own kitchen, and hanging out with my boys. Doing this challenge while traveling has definitely been interesting! I am sticking to my diet plan, but I am really excited that for the next week when I can cook for myself, which makes it 1000x easier. Yes, I can cook in my little Garland apartment, but its very small and just intended for simple things.
I know a lot of you have let me know that you have decided to do the 75 Hard challenge too. I am so proud of you! It is easier than I expected in some ways, and harder in others. But believe me, as lazy and tired and busy as I am, if I can do it then anyone can!