
Ready for a Big Challenge

If you’ve been here for a while then you know I am always on a journey for better health and wellness. I got a little lost with that through the 2020 ordeal we all went through. I pretty much stopped eating healthy and stopped moving. So that meant depression and weight gain, which led to more depression.

Then something snapped inside of me last September and I felt the strength, for the first time in a really long time, to make some real changes and take better care of myself. I’ve shared here how I cut carbs and changed my eating lifestyle. I haven’t eaten sugar or junk since Oct 1, 2021. There’s no secret or magic pill….I just did it and by the grace of God I have stuck with it.

But I didn’t start exercising again. Maybe I wasn’t ready, maybe I was just lazy (most likely), but I knew that would have to be the next adjustment I made. Then I got busy remodeling the Garland house and that took all of my focus. But now that is done and I am ready to take the next step.

To be clear, when I say I am ready I don’t mean my life schedule is clear and this is an easy time to do it. Just the opposite! I am traveling a lot and starting back to homeschool next week and we have a lot happening here. What I mean is that I am emotionally ready, so I am going for it.

I had heard of a challenge called 75Hard. I felt led to read more about it, so I did. Then I thought I should talk with James about it, so I did. Then I wondered what my chiro (who I am seeing regularly for hip pain) would think so I asked him. Long story short….I have gotten support and decided to do it. And even better is my husband is doing it with me. And we are starting today….August 22,2022.

We spent the weekend getting ready. For me the eating part will be the easiest. I just needed to tighten up what I was already doing, so that isn’t a concern for me. The water, a little bit of a challenge but I can do that. I already like to read non-fiction. Not every day but I really enjoy it so that’s just a small challenge. But I have basically become dormant, so two 45 minute workouts every day feels OVERWHELMING.

I decided to get a recumbent bike since I have so many hip issues and my chiro thought that was the best idea. We cleared out a space in the house and made a little temporary workout room. After the 75 days I will need to figure out a more permanent solution, but for now this will do fine. As for outside, I will try to walk. If my hip won’t let me I will do weights and stretches. I am determined to make this work.

I’ve read several bloggers who have said they completed it and it was transformational. Yes, physically, but also mentally and emotionally, which is what I am hoping for. I need a shift at my core. I’m really excited to see how God is going to use this in my life.

Of course I will be all over Instagram every day sharing the good, bad and the ugly so be sure you’re following me there if you want all the details.

And for more info on the 75hard challenge, here’s the info from its creator. And let me warn you that there is a lot of negative out there about this challenge. I read it, I got it. These are not things I am concerned about. But I also know that if I need to I can stop. I am the only person who is making me do this. It’s a deeply personal goal.

If you decide to do it too, please let me know! Maybe we will start a Facebook support group or something. This is going to be interesting!