
Shopping with the Girls

It was an active weekend here at the Point.  On Saturday I took the girls out for a mom/daughter shopping day.  All of them needed something from shoes to under garments and we all needed to spend some time together.  It was a day of fun, silliness and complete exhaustion.

I am telling you….I was so tired by the time we got home at 7:00 PM that I went straight to bed.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect $200.

Sundays around here have been set aside for us to just chill and hang out.  We play games and talk and nap.  It’s a pretty low key day, which is just what we all need to get ready for the week ahead.

So Sunday afternoon I was just hanging around in my recliner and thinking about a couple of things I have to do this week that I’m mildly dreading.  Nothing huge, just little things I’d rather not do.  So I thought I’d search for Bible verses.  I typed in, “Bible verse about dread.”  I do that all of the time.  Joy, friendship, parenting, the sky….whatever I’m thinking about.  This time a whole search popped up full of links to pages, “What does the Bible say about dreadlocks”.  What?!  Dreadlocks?  Oh I’ve GOT to see this.

There was lots of talk about Sampson and the way our hair grows if we never brush or cut it and how some people feel it’s spiritual to have dreadlocks.  I never knew this.  I live in a bubble.

By the time I finished reading about dreadlocks I was no longer dreading anything.  In fact, I was looking forward to taking a shower since my head started feeling all itchy just thinking about not brushing my hair for years.  And even though I never did go back and look up “dread” verses, the search worked.  I was no longer even thinking about my dread.  Instead I was wishing for a scalp massage.

I spent the rest of the afternoon playing a computer game and talking with the kids. I was planning to de-February the house and get it ready for spring, but I was too worn out from Saturday’s adventure of running between 4 girls in dressing rooms looking for different sizes.

My week ahead includes putting out the spring decor and getting the house ready to paint.  I’ve been planning to paint since the beginning of January, so it’s time to get this show on the road.  No more procrastinating, although procrastination is one of my spiritual gifts.  That and never being out of chocolate.

Have a great week!


  1. ‘procrastination is one of my spiritual gifts’ – Ha! when it comes to painting, it must be one of mine too! I’m glad you had such a fun time with your lovely girls! We had a busy weekend and feel a little worn out today, but overall, there were so many blessings wrapped into a short space of time I don’t dare complain!

  2. So funny Lisa! I absolutely love how you got sidetracked by dreadlocks. Thanks for making me smile 🙂

  3. Dreadlocks, huh? My scalp tingles to think of it too.=) Sounds like a lovely day. I enjoy shopping with my girls. And they are pretty young still. LC has always been a shopper. Like form the time she was a few weeks old.
    Have a wonderful painting week. I love to paint. I’d join you if I didn’t live 1200 miles away.=)

  4. Lisa, thank you for being so wonderfully YOU! As a young (or I like to think so) woman still learning to grow into my role as a godly wife and homemaker, you provide such an amazing example and you are still so real. We all have to silly, funny, and not so perfect moments, but you never hear about them on most blogs. I recommend your lovely insights to all of my friends and family and often look to you and your girls for fashion inspiration as I learn the world of skirts and thrifting. You are an amazing blessing to me!

  5. Lol! I seriously had a great laugh about dreadlocks. Sounds like something I’d do 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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