
I Couldn’t Be a Rodeo Mom

Happy President’s Day!

Truthfully, we don’t take much notice of the government holidays around here.  I mean, I have mad respect for the President (I don’t have to agree to have respect) and all of the Presidents that went before him.  But there are still mouths to be fed and laundry to be heaved the 8 inches from the washer to the dryer.  Much like Dolly Madison did 200 years before me.

Friday night James and I went to the rodeo with some friends.  We always have a yeehaw kind of time at the rodeo.  The bull riding does make me nervous though….those bulls are powerful and I don’t understand why anyone would want to put themselves onto the back of one.  I sit there with my hands over my eyes glad I’m not the mother of any of these cowboys who are risking life and limb on a wild bull.  But I think we all know I would not handle myself well, since I can’t even relax when my son gets on a bus.

Saturday morning I slept late since it was the second weekend in a row that I was out after midnight.  It may also have been from the cotton candy I ate at 11:30 on the drive home.  It gave me a rush that made it hard to fall asleep.  You’d think at my age I’d know better.  But it’s cotton candy….if you don’t eat it the same day then it shrinks down to a weird tiny mass of hard sugar.  I mean, I’d still eat it but it wouldn’t be the same fluffy fun.

The rest of the weekend was uneventful.  Just my favorite kind of Saturday, filling shop orders, playing games with the kids and napping.  Perfection.

Seeing that picture and re-reading the cotton candy story, I may be giving the impression I had too much sugar over the weekend.  I really just had those 2 things, but the fact that I took a picture of my Reese’s peanut butter cup might be a sign that I need help.

The coming week is full.  In addition to laundry and school I’ve got a bunch of errands to run in the city.  Plus I’m going to the DotMom conference in Dallas next weekend.  I have to figure out what to wear and how to pack it all and how early I should allow myself to leave on Thursday since even though I will miss the kids I am looking forward to a few days to myself.

Yes I said it.  I look forward to days without my family.  Then I look forward to being with them again.  Nothing wrong with that.

Have a great President’s Day!

Come follow me on Instagram for more picture fun!


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