31 Everyday Ways to Connect with Your Child, Day 7: Dance!

It’s time to this party started!  We’ve prayed, we’ve touched, we listened….let’s let our hair down a little.  Let’s show these kids how it’s really done.  Let’s dance!

One thing kids have that I don’t is ENERGY.  They need to move, they need to get it out.  I need to lie on the couch and have someone fan me.  But that’s not important right now.  So at least once a week…everyday if you want….I stop the world and we dance.  I can be vacuuming, sewing, sweeping the porch and a couple of kids will be hanging around, needing to get their energy out.  I stop and say, hey….let’s dance!

I’ll whip out my phone, turn on some playful music and we’ll dance like crazy for the whole song.  Be silly….be wild….bust a move! Hold their hands, spin them, dip them, toss them in the air.  For the older kids, dance around them like a chicken and pull out the old Charleston steps you learned when you were a kid.

This shows them that you understand their need to move.  They need to know that you’re not just about laundry and clean floors….you’re about life and joy!

Dance Moms at its best!

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    1. Lana, they can’t fool me! I think they’re just acting like it’s punishment so I’ll do it MORE! LOL! Lisa~

  1. You might be surprised to know this, but we dance at our house too. Some of us, (not me…) even have some pretty good moves. I can see in your photo that Adam can put on the funk. It’s always the quiet ones… at our house as well.

  2. Me & my daughter had a movie night the other night. We watched The Bee Movie. At the end we watched the special features. One was a music video about bees. There were some parts where people were dancing. So we both got up & got moving. We tried to copy their moves. Then we did it all over again. SO MUCH FUN! And good memories:)

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