31 Everyday Ways to Connect with Your Child, Day 6: Notice the Little Things

A child’s life is filled with little things.  Little clothes, little problems, little ideas.  But someday those will be big problems and BIG ideas.  He wants to make a cave out of dirt or she thinks it would be pretty to stack her books like towers.  It sounds unimportant, but if you are tuned in to your child’s heart, you will occasionally feel the connection of childish ideas with grown up possibilities.

Mom, pay attention to he little things │ The Pennington Point #parenting

All of childhood is a link to the future.  A passage into adulthood.  And these little things are the stepping stones to greatness.  Pay attention.  Watch.  Be amazed.

Give him opportunities to explore his ideas.  Let him fail.  Cheer him to success.  He wants to take apart the DVD player to see what’s inside?  Get him one at Goodwill along with a screwdriver.  While he’s doing it, ask him what he likes about it.  The small things.

When she wants to redecorate her room, give her ideas a try.  If her favorite thing is reading, be sure to say to her occasionally, “You’ve been so helpful today.  How about if I set the timer for one hour and you go outside and read.  Go ahead.  I’ll let you know when the timer goes off.”

Make sure they know that you care about the little things in their life.  It will make a huge difference in who they become.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook for more conversation!

Register here for the 31 Days webinar on October 16 with Smoothing the Way

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    1. Becky, sometimes it’s better not to try to crack him…..just watch and be amazed. 🙂 Lisa~

  1. It’s hard to put the mess to come out of your mind for those DVD moments! But you are right. My son, 5, asked if he could paint. I said, “Yes, you can have 4 colors.” (I was thinking clean up & art book advice about not giving too many choices.) He said, “Can I have 5 colors since I’m 5?” “YES, you can!” Proud momma. Happy boy:)

    1. Candace, I have such a hard time with that too! But that boy is smart. 5 is a good number of colors for a 5 year old. LOL! Lisa~

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