
31 Everyday Ways to Connect with Your Child, Day 18: Be Silly

Sometimes things can just get way too serious.  Dinner’s on the stove, the phone is ringing, the dogs are barking….Calgon take me away!  If you can’t take a bubble bath, do the next best thing…..BE SILLY!

Surprise your child in the middle of a tense, difficult moment by suddenly doing something completely pointless and unexpected.  I like to start singing at the top of my lungs, “Oh solo mio!!….” or hang upside down on the couch.

Think right now of some things you can do, so when the urge strikes you are ready.  Run all the way around the house one time with the kids trailing behind, open all of the car doors and go in and out opposite doors, throw a blanket over your head and chase the kids for a minute, have a pillow fight, lie on the floor, grab a piece of newspaper and start fanning each other, make funny noises.  Just be silly.

Your kids need to know that you can see things from their perspective.  They need to have that connection with you.  You can be silly once in a while and still have their respect.

And if they’re feeling silly at the wrong time, stop and be silly with them for just a second before you redirect their energy.

Do you have any ideas for how you can be silly?

Follow me on Facebook for lots of silliness!

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  1. This is actually so important! It shows kids that you like them and delight in them! How hard it is to willingly follow someone who doesn’t smile or laugh with you… Great tip!

    1. That last part, “How hard is it…” may have changed my life. I never thought of it this way, although I often think that as a mom I am way to serious for the fact that my oldest is eight. I do not encourage their sillyness and now I ask why? Thanks for putting things into perspective. I am sure my kids think I don’t like them very much. Ah, I will have to go cry and repent quite a bit. Thanks for your comment, because the post didn’t move me the same way your words did.

      1. Kate, I am so glad you read Debbie’s comment and it touched you. I love helping each other. Let us know how you’re doing! You can do it! Lisa~

      2. Kate, I was definitely talking to myself as much as to anyone. You and I together can learn to relax and goof off a little with our kids! 🙂 I hope we both have lots of good laughs this weekend.

    2. Debbie, great point! Your comment really connected with Kate too….I am so glad you said something! Lisa~

  2. I love our silly moments too. Usually it is a song. We turn almost everything into a song around here. Or doing funny impersonations…talking like you are from another place. It always takes them by surprise and makes them smile and laugh. I love it!

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