I’m a Movie Star

We’ve been sick for the past few days and are just starting to feel better.  Yesterday, for the first time, we all felt pretty good and enjoyed sitting up and eating real food.  We had homemade vegetable soup thanks to my friend Sara.  Soup from a friend makes everything better.

Since it was the end of the week and we were all in recovery mode, we skipped all but a few classes and decided to rest.  Adam saw this as his opportunity. 

He sent Levi around the house with the announcement that at 10:00 we would be holding auditions for parts in his movie.  He doesn’t have a camera or any money, but he’s written a script and he was ready to cast the roles.

We all showed up in the living room and waited to be called.   The kids were all into it, repeating their audition lines with great drama.  When it was my turn he asked me, “Do you want to audition for the part of Robot-man or the Mom?”  That’s a hard one, but I went for the Mom.  I think I could pull that off even with my limited acting skills.

He informed me that the Mom doesn’t have any lines, she just sits at the table eating and then runs off.  I’d think the role was written for me except for the fact that I have never run away from a plate of food.

After my spectacular audition, I got the part, which is a relief.  The only way I would have stepped aside is if Julia Roberts had also auditioned.  Let’s face it, if they ever make a movie of my life, and it’s possible because I am so fascinating, Julia Roberts would obviously play me.

Another exciting thing today is that a cool front moved into town.  It’s chilly and brisk outside and I am loving it!  Every time it gets cold James and I pretend he did it for me.  He says, “Do you like the cold weather I got you?” and I throw my arms aroud his neck and say, “Oh yes! Thank you!”  Then we kiss in front of the children and they feign horror.

In the movie about my life, I won’t let Julia kiss James.  Although I guess he will have someone else play him….I think it shoud be Tom Hanks.  In order to play James he’ll have to grow a beard like he did in Castaway.  I hope Julia doesn’t mind kissing a man with a beard.

One time Jacob caught us kissing in the hallway. James stopped all of a sudden when he realized Jacob could see us. I said, “It’s OK, he knows we kiss, don’t you Jacob?” to which Jacob replied, “Well I do now!”

Funny guy, that Jacob.

Maybe he should get a comedy role in Adam’s movie.

I’m off to rehearse my role as the Mom.  I hope I can do it to Adam’s satisfaction.  Wouldn’t it be sad if I couldn’t play a mom well enough for a movie my own child wrote?

Have a great weekend!


  1. So sorry you have been sick! Yep, our kids all feign horror when they catch us smooching too. I think they really like knowing we still like each other though.

    I love the role he gave you-eating and then running off. Mine would be trying to get in and out of the hammock with some degree of dignity and grace. I know you can pull off the mom role though. Just practice really hard. 🙂

  2. Your little one-liners are SO funny! You crack me up 🙂

    Sorry I’m always so late to comment. I do read all your posts, really I do! My free time is sadly limited so it works out that I read them in large bundles instead of one at a time!

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