You Need a Market Tote

Have I shown y’all my market tote?  I am so crazy about this basket….I use it for everything.

I use it for picnics, I use it for library books, I use it when we travel to carry odd and ends, I used it when I went to Gina’s to hold my sewing supplies, I used it when I went to Blissdom to carry everything I needed for the day.  Since it collapses I keep it in my car and use it to carry groceries in from Sam’s and Costco.

I used it for co-op last year to carry all of my teacher’s supplies, the list is endless.  I’m always grabbing it for something.

I even use it to carry surprises for small children… the Pied Piper, “Come here little boy and see what I have in my basket….” Or is that the evil witch from Hanzel and Gretel?

It is my right arm and I LOVE it.

I wish I could give one to all of you.  Since I can’t I’m going to do the next best thing and drop the price in my shop for a short time.

For the next week my market totes will be listed for $32 plus shipping.  That is over 34% off of the regular price (you don’t want to know how long it took me to figure that out).

They would make wonderful gifts too!  You could do some early Christmas shopping.  My machine is fired up and ready to make them for you.

This sale will end on Tuesday, August 23….so get ’em while the price is low!




  1. I might get this as a Christmas gift for Adam’s speech therapist! She has to lug stuff back and forth from her car to our house {and other clients} and she’ probably love something like this! Does it come in other colors?

  2. Becky, it comes in lots of colors! The colors are listed in the etsy listing. Thanks for asking! Lisa~

  3. Ooo..I could carry lotsa cherries and yogurt in those huh? I’ll have to go check them out and may put them on my gift list too! Seems many of us are lugging a lot these days. Thanks for the special offer….every little bit helps 🙂 Off to see…have a great week…susie

  4. I might have to buy one just because I love the fact that your husband is an accountant and you mention how long it took you to figure out the percentage! that’s fabulous!

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