I Need Your Opinion

You like to give your opinion, don’t you?

I am working on a few small changes here at The Point and I need your suggestions.

I wanted to start separating my child training and Biblical posts from the brain dump that I usually do on “Lisa’s Blog”.  So we’ve had an executive meeting and decided that I will take over the section that we now call, “James’ Blawg.”  It’s a whole room here in space that no one really uses and you know I can’t have that.  All rooms must be filled and all walls must have something hanging on them.  Otherwise we are just looking at blank walls and have no place to sit.  Wait, I think I’ve drifted to another topic.  Where was I?

Oh yes!  We need to change the name.  My delightfully clever blog designer and I are trying to come up with a name for it and we are stumped.  I want something like, “How God Works in Our Family” but that needs to be summed up in a couple of words.  Maybe faith-something or Bible-something….I just can’t think of it.

But you all are so clever that I know you will have some terrific thoughts.

So what shall we call it?  A little room here that holds the faith writings and child training posts.  After we name it, I’ll add a lamp and of course, some monogrammed pillows.

Any ideas?



  1. What about just “Faith & Family”??

    or “Faithful Mothering” or “Mothering Faithfully” or something like that?? or “Faith-Filled Mothering” to show it’s not about being faithful (ie, commitment) but about being full of faith (ie, trusting God).

    or “Leading Little Ones…”

    or “His Grace for Your Family” (or “His Grace in Our Family”) or even just “His Grace, Our Family” or “His Grace, Your Family” or whichever……

    pretty sure that’s all I’ve got this morning, but maybe it will get the juices flowing. Sounds like a neat idea!!

    And when James has something taxy to post, maybe he can Guest Blog in your spot? So we can still read his helpful insights??

  2. PS — or if he ever has time and inclination, it would be really neat to see him guest blog in the new faith corner for dad tips. You know, when it’s not tax season and he is sitting around twiddling his thumbs with nothing to do.

    (kidding on that; I know he’s busy all the time!)

  3. You’ve been purging, too, eh?

    Because of your blog’s name beginning with P’s, I immediately thought of Psalm 144:12. “That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace.”

    “Babe,” I asked Dave whose sitting here watching a St. Louis archived baseball game. “Help me help Lisa.” So we brainstormed and here’s his offering.

    “Planted and Polished” OR “Planting and Polishing”
    (i lub it)

    Recently we did a study together on The Tree– trees of righteousness, roots, trunk, branches and leaves. The Bible’s filled with these amazing analogies. Planted. And our virtuous daughters are polished and priced far above rubies. But Moms, we’ve got to plant them and root our children in The Word by example. We have to found them on cornerstones. The training and refining that occurs under our wing and watchful eye will hopefully polish them like the twinkle in our God’s eye.

    With the alliteration of Pennington Point, we gave you some more P’s to add to the pot. (*sorry* I couldn’t resist.)

    { I love “His Grace, Our Family,” too! }

  4. My opinion is that you should come over & guest post *any* (and all) the time at TEW! That would be “guest” as in Regular-Godly-Mothering-Author 🙂 You *are* an excellent wife!

    That aside, how about something like:
    Godly Parenting, Love Never Fails, Pennington Parenting, Children of God (1Jn 3:1), Love is Patient, Patient Parenting (1Cor. 13:4), Christ’s Children

    I’m going to think on this more over a cup of tea & devotions 🙂 Looking forward to your parenting posts. Hey, how about something simple like “Parenting”, then when you click on the tab to get to that page the header will be some Bible verse the Lord lays on your heart….

    Maybe I should have coffee instead….?!

  5. How about “Faithfully tending…” or “Faith-filled tending…” ? That way it can be a category of faith based child-rearing and all other matters of Faith whether it be finances, familial relationships, or spiritual growth. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

    (And…. are you ready for the this?!? The bookcases are together and there ought to be a post/pictures of the unaccessorized “wall” posted in a couple of hours! After I tend to the veggies that came in yesterday’s CSA share… read LOTS of tomatoes and peppers!)

  6. @Kelley — I am so glad I popped back over here to see the other ideas. I have never read that Psalm (how could I miss it?) and it is beautiful!!! Love, love, love it. What a really fantastic idea to use as a spring board. Thanks for posting it!

  7. How fun, I love wordsmithing!! When I talk to others about your special family, I have always referred to all of you as “fruits of the spirit” since your children all have biblical and spiritual names and you apply biblical teachings to your parenting.
    That is my opinion for you!

  8. The Reader: xo I stopped back by, too, to read the newer suggestions. Love ’em ALL!

    Laura: Amen. Me, too. The family tree’s yielded godly fruit.

  9. What a delight to wake up and see that you all have been having a whole conversation in here this morning! You have gotten my juices flowing. I KNEW you’d be a big help in figuring out a name for the new spot on the blog. Love it! Lisa~

  10. Titus 2

    They are all about the wisdom you’ve gained through pursuing the Lord in your parenting, your homeschooling, being a wife, etc. 🙂

    Whatever you choose will be wonderful! Don’t you love organizing?! 🙂

  11. Since you’re “The Pennington Point”….maybe Points of Faith or Faith Points
    I really enjoy your blog. PS, I’m an IRL friend of The Reader and she “pointed” me your way!

  12. I realize that I am a little late to the game, but how about Faith Tending (as we tend to our families and ourselves) or Faith Planting (as we raise our families)? Since you have already referred to it as a cozy room, what about Room for Faith?
    It already sounds like a wonderful place!
    Sheri O.

  13. How ’bout Pennington on Parenting and Faith? Of course, someone might think it’sabout your daughter and parenting…. Have to say, though, I like Sheri O’s idea of Faith Planting and Tending 🙂

  14. All God’s Children….

    Faith in action….

    God First….

    Nobody Puts God in the Corner….. (my love of the movie slipped in here sorry lol)

    On the Porch swing with God!

    And my fave is…..Praise and Love~God and Children

  15. Say what? I look to you for creativity!!!
    You are the Queen of whipping something up and making it look effortless.
    This name thing should be easy-peasy! ;o)

  16. Oh wow, some of these are really good! I really like Prayerfully Penning (since it is a play on your name) and Points on Faith (also a play on a name 🙂 I was coming by to add my own two cents …. Homespun Faith … I think it sort of melds all your topics together well 🙂 Plus, when I met you your Twitter name had Homespun in it and I was thinking of naming my shop (which I have yet to create) Homepsun Chic … I knew right away we would be friends … and look, we are! Can’t wait to hear what you come up with.

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