5 Things I Wonder About

I really shouldn’t be let out of my cage.  With James out of town, who will bail me out when I get into trouble?  Who can I call to ask if we have enough money for me to buy things at The Container Store?


Today I made a mad dash to the big city to pick up some paint at Restoration Hardware.  I ran out yesterday and everyone knows you can’t just change paint brands in the middle of a project, even if the paint you started with is 6 years old and may not be its original color.  I also had to make a few other stops, so it seemed worth it to run down there.


Going to the city always makes me wonder things.  Like:

1) What’s the deal with that extra window in the back of the Prius?  Does a 6″ high, tinted window below your regular rear window somehow make your car more energy efficient?

2) Why do all Targets have 2 sets of doors right next to each other to enter and exit, but only one set opens automatically?  Are there executives in an office somewhere that think some of us would rather open our own door while pushing a cart at the same time?  Does anyone ever choose the door they have to open themselves?

3) Why do I let myself go to Restoration Hardware?  It inevitably makes me stop for about three minutes and wonder if I made the wrong decision in marrying for love instead of money.  If I had married for money I could have bought the to-die-for console table that the salesman informed me was marked down to only $1000.  If I had money I would have had him strap that puppy to the top of my Mercedes and driven it straight home to my mansion.

4) Why does my phone battery only die when I don’t have my car charger?

5) Why do other drivers get so upset when you weave around a little because you are digging through your husband’s glove compartment to see if he has a phone charger anywhere.  Yeesh people, lighten up.


Besides painting the hallway, the kids and I are working on a secret project.  I can’t tell you about it because if James decides to read the blog from Oklahoma and finds out what I am up to he might have his own three minutes of wondering if he made the wrong decision 25 years ago in marrying for love instead of looking for a wife with the wisdom to wait for her husband to come home before she starts building things.


Serves him right for leaving me with no phone charger in the car.


  1. I wonder what your secret project is… let us know when its done!

    I’ve always wondered that too… why do they put 2 sets of doors in the front of Target when everyone is (of course) going to use the automatic doors? Stores can be weird! LOL!

    Many Blessings!

  2. They use the locked door to open for employees coming in to work when there is a big sale (like black Friday sales). keeps the mob of early shoppers from rushing the big door…I worked retail a long long long time….and it seemed longer LoL

  3. I love James’ response 🙂

    I know Mark wishes he had married for money too. Tomorrow is our 17 year anniversary and I reminisced on my blog today. I had a whole whopping $12.42 in my checking account the day we got married!

  4. Well I’ll definitely have to pay more attention next time I go to Target. How strange!

    Lol, to James’ comment!

    Sometimes I keep my little reorganizing & DIY projects a secret too. It minimizes eye rolling and keeps other exasperated remarks & gestures to a minimum . 🙂 Can’t wait to find out what you’re doing though!

  5. Oh how I have missed your posts! Catching up on a few I havent had a chance to read and thought you would get a great kick out of knowing Jimmy, the oldest, insists on using the open it yourself door at Target. I laughed to myself reading this because I wonder the same thing sometimes.

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