My Children are No Dummies

It’s been like a beehive around here lately.  People in and out, kids begging to swim, end of the year homeschool group stuff, food, birthdays, laundry….one can never forget laundry.

While we’re on the subject, I have to show you something that has made my life simpler.  So maybe we weren’t exactly on this subject, but my brain goes a million miles an hour and I was there in my head.

I found this at a teacher’s supply store and fell in love.  It will be the answer to all of my problems.  No longer will I hear, “Mom, I’m finished with my math and I have nothing to do!”  Because now I can say, “Look at the chart dummy!”

Whoa…..I would never call my children dummy.  That just slipped out accidentally.  No sirree.  I would only call them darling or genius or light of my life.

Can you read it?  It says, “Things to do when I’m done,” and there are four options.  READ: three poems  WRITE: a letter to someone  MAKE: a word search using spelling words  LIST: things you do on the weekend

Is that great or what?!  I can change the cards for a new idea.  Last week I had them copy one of the three poems they read.  They might not turn out to be dummies after all!

Subject change…I can’t leave you hanging about my bedside table.  The silver dresser has been moved and is happy in its new location.  I moved Levi’s dresser beside my bed.  It will do for now, even though I keep forgetting it’s there when I go get Levi dressed and can’t find his clothes.  It will stay by my bed until I find something better.

Speaking of Levi (see how we actually were on the subject that time?  I’m mastering the art), I haven’t started the potty training process.  I appreciate all of your tips and ideas and will be using those later this week when I actually start.  But I just had to show you what he did yesterday.

He likes to play with refrigerator letter magnets.  He came to me and said, “Mommy, come see the words I made!”  So I took his precious little hand as he led me into the kitchen and showed me this….

If you can’t tell, it says, “wii – includes 1000 surveys – Family Feud – 2010 edition – everyone – E – esrb – Ubisoft”  Wow.  I was expecting something more along the lines of “dog” “cat” “Momy”.  But no, my child copies the wii game case.  Right down to the family rating (notice the crooked E) and the manufacturer.

Freak! (I, of course, would never call my children freaks)

I’ve also spent a little time taking down the Easter decorations and putting up summer stuff.  I have a new idea for the summer and am excited to show you.  But for today, you just get a teaser…..

I love that frame.  I love changing it out for the season, or my mood.  Same thing really.  Here’s the frame from spring and fall.

As for Mother’s Day, because of circumstances outside of my control, we decided to put off Mother’s Day.  I will be getting my pampering later, at an undetermined date.  My plan is, if it doesn’t happen in two weeks I will take off for the beach and not come home for three days.  While I am gone they can clean the house, touch up the outside paint and weed the beds in the front.

Who’s the dummy now?


  1. Wow!! You covered lots of wonderful territory in this one. That is a great chart for when they are finished with things. I’m sure a mom designed it. And Levi’s refrigerator magnet masterpiece is truly impressive! What an observant little guy! And the dresser looks cute and so does the frame! I think you should hold out for the Mother’s Day pampering AND the three days at the beach! 🙂

  2. This post is a prime example why the female brain was recently likened scientifically to a ball of yarn while the male brain is like a chest of drawers. We can chase any rabbits we like. (Ahem. Tell THAT to your preachermen…) Personally I loved how you shared your variegated yarn today. Happy Mother’s Day!

  3. Any kid smart enough to arrange and copy all those letters into words like that, is smart enough to never use a toilet. You better hope Pull-Ups keeps adding bigger sizes every year.

  4. Love the tennis racquets, Levi is very clever! Love the bedside table, looks better than the silver one.

  5. Happy Mother’s Day when it comes! Our Mother’s Day, here in the UK, is in March, but I reckon I ought to have pushed for this one too, seeing as our hearts spend so much time in the OSof A!
    Er, your photo of the bedside looks like something out of a magazine. Is that *really* your bed? Utterly gorgeous.
    Well, isn’t Levi the genius? Or jsut weird….not that I’d ever call my kids weird. Or dummies. Or …. anything but darling. Honest x

  6. 1) I think your child is probably a genius. I bet he rocks at Wii Family Feud, too.
    2) Your headboard is ah-may-zing. I am wiping drool off my face and rehearsing verses that go something like “thou shall not covet…”. Ditto for your living room.
    3) You’re awesome.
    4) That’s all. 🙂

  7. Gosh I feel like I need to bullet my comments or they might get all mixed up.
    -Love the “What do I do now!” thingy. Must hunt one down.
    -The dresser as your bedside table is cute. It’s easier to just find him a new dresser isn’t it? I say keep it. But I’m selfish like that. Ha!
    -Okay I need to know if the Family Feud for the Wii is fun. You must let me know. It apparently helps with vocabulary so I’d consider it schooling. Hee! Hee!
    -And the frame is awesome and very versatile. Which I love versatile.

    Did I cover everything?
    I hope you have a fabulous day!

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