Letting God Do the Watering

Like many of you, we are desperately waiting for rain.

I was outside watering the plants and thinking about how much better they grow when they are watered by rain, God’s watering system.  There is something in the rain that gives them energy and nourishes them that water from the hose simply can not do.

Isn’t it the same when we try to “water” people?  We tell them our opinions of their behavior or try to teach them how they should be different.  We may be right, they may even change a little because of what we said.  But when the Holy Spirit tells them, touches their heart, they are changed in a deeper way.  It is real and permanent and uplifting for them.

Recently someone told me some things she doesn’t like about me.  The problem wasn’t being told that I am imperfect, the problem was that her tone made it seem that she was not trying to help me grow, but to punish me for hurting her.  I have struggled with receiving her message because it was like the water in the hose….maybe a message I needed to hear, but because of the delivery it doesn’t give me the nourishment I need to grow.

Of course I don’t like being corrected, but we all need that sometimes.  I am grateful for friends that care enough to occasionally set me straight.  The Lord uses their words to touch my heart and help me become more like Him.  But if their words ring of bitterness and hurt, it is hard to hear past that.  I am left to sift through it all and figure out what is true and what is more their problem than mine.

The Holy Spirit is using this person’s words to show me that I should pray for others instead of trying to change them myself.  It is not up to me to teach everyone a lesson.  It is up to me to set a good example and to pray.

Like the rain water to the flowers, the Holy Spirit energizes us and helps us grow in a deep and lasting way.

Lord, may I always be a vessel for you to speak into the lives of others, setting my own feelings aside and only want the best for them.  I pray that you continue to show me that my role is to encourage and uplift and leave the rest to you.

Proverbs 13:17-18

A wicked messenger falls into trouble,
but a trustworthy envoy brings healing.

Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame,
but whoever heeds correction is honored.


  1. Wow. I love this. Thanks so much for sharing. What’s really crazy is that this is EXACTLY what our pastor has been preaching the past few weeks. It’s been really great because it’s such a good reminder that as a church we need to uplift others and encourage one another. We definitely need to help each other grow but, you are right, it needs to be done in a loving manner. It doesn’t sound like that was the case with the person who pointed out your flaws and I am sorry you had to go through that. I just wanted to let you know that this post really touched me this morning! Thanks again!

  2. Christ in you shines through the humility of your heart in seeking Truth in the innermost places. And in His Faithfulness, He will make your path straight and bless your comings and goings. You are precious!

  3. Beautiful message my friend. Sounds like it comes from a not so pleasant situation. I pray it all gets resolved and God alone gets the glory. One thing I always say, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”
    Have a beautiful day!

  4. Ouch. God help me to be a healer. There’s a lot o’ power in that muscle in our mouths.

    I’ve tried to teach my girls by example to say three sweet things before you say something tough. Confession: I’m still working on that…

    One thing I have learned is this (ahem, the hard way): Don’t tell your husband. Well, two things. Don’t tell your kids. I don’t want them stumbling over what nearly tripped me. *tears* I haven’t always done this one right either, I’m afraid.

  5. Beautiful.
    It is much easier to be watered with a trickle from a glass rather than a bucket all at once.

    I appreciate Kelley’s thoughts on sharing sweet words before words of correction (though that can be dicey too…) and I second the thoughts of Antbed.

  6. Thanks for the reminder “The Holy Spirit is using this person’s words to show me that I should pray for others instead of trying to change them myself. It is not up to me to teach everyone a lesson.”

    I need a gentle reminder about this hard learned lesson.

  7. It is a hard and humbling lesson to learn how to receive a rebuke even when it comes from a sinner. My flesh wants to recoil and defend myself, when really I need to just focus on their words. Is there truth in them? Am I teachable? Can I be forgiving and receive a word God may have for me that will ultimately make me more like Him? Very hard lessons.
    On the other end, I’ve learned that my words have no power. Only God’s Word has power. If I give anything other than the Word of God, it will return void. But God’s Word never returns void. Any time I share God’s Word, I am not wasting breath. God will use it. For His glory!

  8. This is exactly what I needed to read tonight. Thank you for sharing your experience and the Word. May I pray more and talk less!

  9. Relationships can be so messy! I wish it could be simpler. Thanks for your wise words about sorting out what is true versus what comes from someone else’s woundedness.

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