Have a Nap on Me

I’m big on naps.  I take one every day if possible.

About half the time Levi plays with one of the other kids while I nap.  The other half, he hangs out in my bedroom with me.  He plays quietly while I sleep.  It would be fine except his little noises wake me up.  So I turn on the TV to drown out his sweet little sounds.

I scroll through the DVR to find something that is fine for him to watch if he decides to pay attention to it.  Today my choices were “Top Chef,” which is a no.  But in thinking about it, it would be nice if he could learn to make an amuse-bouche in 15 minutes out of potato chips and whatever protein we happen to have in the kitchen.  What else?  “Selling New York,” which is my new obsession.  It’s all about Manhattan real estate and 6 million dollar apartments.  It’s probably not a good idea.  He might start wondering why we don’t have an elevator a fluffy, little dog and fourteen million dollars.

I’ve got “The Nate Show,” “Family Under Construction,” and “Ace of Cakes.”   I am seeing a theme here, decorating and food.  Of course.

I finally settle on “Monsters, Inc.”  It’s the only kid’s movie I have recorded.  I’m not sure why I don’t just go straight there every time.  I know it’s where I will eventually choose.  It might be because it makes me have weird dreams.

But at least I get a nap, which is my top priority.  I dream of Sully and Mike while Levi snuggles up next to me and tries to steal my blanky.  He’s a sly three year old….he charms me out of my covers by telling me how nice I look and how cold he is and how he loves me.  I fall for it every time.  I’m a sucker for a handsome guy in a diaper.

My goal for the weekend is pretty much to take a nap every day.  If I can do that I will feel like I have accomplished something.  The rest of it, the house cleaning and the yard work and the etsy shop fall a distant second.

I wish you all a good long nap kind of weekend…..with no monster dreams and your own blanket.


  1. I am not a nap girl…I have this weird thing about sleeping when it is light outside. But, I do love a good snuggle up in bed rest period though 🙂 Happy Napping 😉

    🙂 Heather

  2. Awww, that is so sweet! I love snugglers! May you nap frequently this weekend and may the yard, house and etsy simply take care of themselves. 🙂 Sweet dreams, sweet Lisa!

  3. I will TOTALLY be taking a nap Sabbath afternoon. My “snuggler” is sleeping over at Gramma’s tonight and I’ll be glad to see her at church in the morning. She will actually come to me and ask if we can take a snuggle nap together – but only on Saturday’s :0)

    This weekend I need it and I’m looking forward to it!

    I hope you meet your goal…

  4. I love nothing but a good afternoon nap. After a strenuous morning of Home schooling I am often tired (read mentally exhausted)and find a little lie down with a book and a doze between chapters refreshing. Weekend naps are even better! Unfortunately this weekend is a busy one and we won’t be home in the afternoons for me to have a nap.

  5. I could have written this post, except instead of Monsters, Inc., I turn on Chuggington (a Disney channel cartoon about trains), which inevitably will come to an end just as I’m starting to dose off and I’ll have to play a new episode and eventually give up on sleeping. But I, too, am a sucker for a handsome guy in a diaper… especially one who tells me, approximately every hour, “I lub you, mama.” My cup runneth over. 🙂

  6. I have often said that how good your Subnday nap is, is dependant on how holy you have been all week. haha
    Oh my goodness!! Selling New York! I saw that once- I swear I had NO idea people have that much money. My little brain can absolutely not fathom it!

  7. Hey Lisa! I just found your blog, and I love it – it feels like a good visit.
    I poked around some older posts to see how you guys have been, and what you’ve been up to. Glad to see you are all well (at least, it looks that way).
    You do stay busy, but what fun you all are having while you’re at it!
    Oh, and I do love a good nap too; but I’d rather sleep late in the morning.
    I’ll be checking back often. Please give all the family greetings from David & me.

  8. MONSTERS INC is our (mine and Jeremy’s) favorite kids movie, it cracks us up. I am going to have to try this napping thing.

    Cha Cha

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