My Woodwork and Shaun Cassidy

I finally finished my homework.  Which is more than I can say for every day in junior high.  Sorry Mom.  I don’t know what my deal was or why I hated school.  But somehow I’ve made it through life without being good at P.E. and Spanish.

Maybe I should have taken a wood working class.  That would have helped me in my future as a DIY mom.

I got my project done and I’m so excited!  My new Monogram Frame Set for the shop is up and ready.

It was worth the three days of experimenting and drilling and ignoring the children.

I actually got an image out of my head and into a touchable thing.  If you had any idea how many notions like this pop into my head every day and how lazy I am you would be impressed.

Black or white?

The white has a hint of my favorite teal peeking through.

My idea was that if it were easy to change the photo it would be great for every season.

I made the frame to fit a standard 4″x6″ picture cut down into a 4″x4″.  But you could put anything in there….a love note, a kids’ drawing, a cut out from a special greeting card.  OK, now I’m really getting excited.

Even more excited than in junior high when I got a poster of Shaun Cassidy for Christmas.

I would never have dreamed back then that the day would come when….

See?  Pop out a photo of the kids and put in a picture you’ve been carrying around with you for 30 years.

I guess junior high wasn’t so bad.  But now is better.  Now I’ve got some pretty cool guys to dream about.

I hope you’ll check out my new etsy listings.  The Monogram Frame Set in White or the Monogram Frame Set in Black.


  1. you are so darn creative! these look awesome.

    hey, shaun…

    remember me? that’s was me wearing the tshirt with your face on it everyday to school, because i would never take it off. so nice to see you on lisa’s porch. if you’re ever in TN, look me up, we have a porch as well, since that’s where you like to hang out now.
    p.s. you haven’t changed a bit!


  2. The frame set is great – but I’m putting you back on my prayer list now…Shaun Cassidy? Really? Donnie Osmond all the way…

  3. Ha! I could think of some faces from the 70s to put in there too!

    Lisa, they look amazing. I just cannot get my head around the stuff you do. The idea that I could ever get something from my head into real life….? Never! But God has given you that talent, and it’s so lovely to see it in action x

  4. Oops! Got so excited I forgot to tell you how stinkin’ creative I think you are. Is this induced by orange soda withdrawals?
    Are you gonna be selling these?
    I have had several dreams of making cool things. But then I wake up and I forget what they are!
    I am so proud of you for making your thoughts come to life!
    I don’t think you are lazy at all!

  5. Leslie, they are in my etsy shop as we speak! Now stop swooning over Scott Baio and go check them out. LOL!

  6. Looks like pretty successful brain food to me. Eye candy, too! Love, love, love them! Wow. Talented child you are, my dear.

  7. Oh I was so in love with Shaun Cassidy, I couldn’t wait to see the Hardy Boys on TV each week!!!!
    BTW your frames look cool too!

  8. Yes, Shaun Cassidy was/is my favorite, too!! I got a poster for my birthday one year and thought it had to be the best gift ever. I spent hours dreaming about our lives together – obviously not doing homework. Embarrassingly, I still have all of his albums. Hmm.. come to think of it, he is still totally dreamy!
    Oh, and congratulations on getting those ideas to come to life. You are more talented than you realize.

    Thanks for the flashback!
    Sheri O.

  9. your Shaun Cassidy post got me this morning. Oh how I loved him. thought we would be married by now. It really made my morning.
    Simply White Vintage

  10. i always went for the British boys….you know Davy Jones, Paul McCartney, Herman. They didn’t talk ANYTHING like the boys from Mississippi. Oh, and if I HAD to pick, it would have been DAVID Cassidy…the older, cuter, better singer in that family. And, BTW I LOVE LOVE LOVE the set…black or white? not sure which ones I love best. If I order some will they come with a picture of Davy Jones (Please NOT a current one).

  11. Love the creations! And you can have Shaun…I’ll take Bobby Sherman…sigh…but then I am older than you. Shaun’s brother was kinda cute too (remember David?)

    what if the sets were washed down to natural with tinges of white/teal or black/teal/white? just a thought….

  12. Hi Lisa, Your new creations are wonderful! I am always in awe that you have time to work on projects. I have all these great projects in my head and then I realize work is involved. I was probably the only teenage girl that didn’t love Shaun Cassidy. Now, Davy Jones is another story.

  13. You had me at Shaun Cassidy. He done make my heart Da do run run. Hardy Boys? Sigh.

    Ok, I LOVE these. I want them. I keep going back and forth~ black or white? The sad thing is that I am supposed to be saving for France. Darn budgets.

    Hmmm. maybe the online auction of vintage linens will go over VERY well. 🙂

  14. Lisa, they are fantastic!!! I love the black & the white … although my heart is aching for the bit of teal 🙂 Great job, again you had me laughing out loud. Can’t wait till you figure out what to do with all those coffee sacks, not kidding when I said they are all yours. It will be worth it just to see what you come up with

  15. Stacy! I didn’t realize you were saying I could do something with the coffee sacks. I thought YOU were going to make something with them. Oh yeah man….I’ll take that challenge! 🙂 Lisa~

  16. But what about Bobby Sherman and David Cassidy…see this is where I tell you that you’re really just a young’n.

    Women you are anything but lazy…snap out of it! You’ve got many irons in the fire, but your not lazy.

    Love the idea of being able to change the photos…I love both the black and the white. Are you keeping a set for your home? if so which one…if I had to guess I would say black…was I right?

    one more question….do you keep a note pad by the bed so when these ideas come to you at 2am (that’s when mine come to surface) you can wake up and write it down? I lost a full nights sleep the other night b/c of a blog post idea…grrrrr. but the post was great!

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