Let the Breeze Blow In

Spring is springing here in South Texas and we are loving it!  My new screen door has added to the joy of letting the cool breeze float through the house.

We got the cheapest vinyl screen door Home Depot had on the shelf.

Jacob hung it in about 10 minutes.  I still need a handle, but I want to find something with character.

Our old door mat won’t fit under the screen, so I painted one.  Hope helped me by adding the black lines around the letters.  No Cricut here my friends.  It’s all me.  (I do NOT have a picture of me on the floor painting….no one wants to see the horror of that.)

Even though the old floor paint needs re-doing, I still like the way it looks.

Open the door and let the fresh air in.

I love the spring.

this blessed nest


  1. Who needs a picture of you painting the welcome mat when the mental imagery was good enough! I’m sorry but I did laugh 😀

    Is James as funny (he’s probably way too mature for this 😉 ) as Michael…every time we drive by someone bending over doing yard work he makes a tooting sound. I suppose they deserve it and it always cracks me up because he’s so serious about it.

  2. Becky, we made the cart ourselves a few years ago. It was originally intended for the school room, but it won’t fit in there any more so I use it as a “garden cart.”

    Autumn, now I see why James likes Michael so much. Although I must add that my behind wasn’t up in the air. I was lying down. Perhaps they could have made snoring noises…..or called 911……..

  3. Very cute, I just love screen doors…especially when the weather is nice enough to use them. Your painted welcome mat looks fantastic! You’re just so talented.

    P.S. I’m so glad you added a search thing to your blog. Just a few days ago I was trying to find pictures of your kitchen to show my husband and said to him, “I wish she had one of those search things on her blog.”

  4. Oh, cute!

    I love my screen doors that let the warm breezes blow…and when we get some that’s just what we will do! 🙂

    We have warmer temps but rain so no open doors yet….soon, very soon.

  5. I love spring too! today we just left the back door W.I.D.E. open…no screen needed til it gets a little warmer anyway!
    I LOVE the welcome mat! Beautiful!!

  6. You are stinkin’ clever.
    Painting a mat.
    I cannae wait to get an old home that I can do stuff like painting the floors to!
    By the way, I think you should hang on the door. You’ve got character. Or rather, you are a character.
    When we had our mega-expensive ($80, LOL!) glass door put on our home, it came with a screen door, too. Only one can be hung at a time.
    Maybe I could get Mark to hang it for me to use for a while.
    I too, am glad you added a search button, I am always sending people to come look at something or other in your home, and they had to go back posts and post and posts.
    Why do you write so much!?!?!
    Love you, sister!
    Blessings to you today!
    P.S. Praying for your heart–you know what. (I hope you do, anyway.)

  7. I love your screen door, American screen doors are very different from Australian ones, you wouldn’t find anything like that here!

  8. Oh well, I can only dream about
    a) a screen door that would last 5 minutes in this wind
    b) the kind of temperatures that would make me want to open my door for more than the obligatory 5 seconds it takes to get someone in or out!
    c) a porch…. and the weather in which to sit out on one.
    d) the imagination and the ability to think of, and to paint, a Welcome mat. Wow!

    Ahhhh, dreams, dreams. x

  9. If I had that porch at my house. I’d never get anything done. I’d hide (so no one would find me) under a blanket on a rocking chair with a stack of books. And lemonade.

  10. Ok Lisa, I am officially covetous of your weather! It is currently grey, 33, and VERY muddy! and more rain is in the forecast… 🙁 And we left our porch in Alaska… double 🙁 🙁 But that is okay as I know warmer weather is on the way! And they will FINALLY dig the foundation for our addition! And I might even actually post on my blog again.. ha ha! I love your painted rug!! Aren’t they so much fun!!


  11. I love the rug and door….but especially the rug….I have wanted to pain a rug my screen porch but I’m afraid if get down on the floor to paint it would take a wench truck to get me up again…..That would cost more money for the truck than to buy a rug….haha.

  12. As you can tell from the previous post I didn’t read it well…..misspelled words…..I would fail spelling in you class.

  13. Ah..so clever! Love the painted door mat…and the screen door, and the porch,…..and well, the Texas spring weather (I grew up in San Antonio). Spring in Texas is incomparable! – those beautiful wildflowers blooming everywhere! Looks like you have a lovely frame (screen door) through which you can enjoy them!
    Have a great day!

  14. dear On your front porch,

    Yay! a picture of your screen door. I can just imagine that sweet Texas Spring air WAFTING through it.

    dreaming of a REAL front porch

  15. oh you smart & lucky girl!

    painting a mat is genius! we don’t have a screen door on our front door. wished we did for about 3 months of the year. enjoy!

    thank you so much for linking up to the SPRING FLING!

    have a super day!

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