He is My Joy

I was all ready to write about the goings on here at the Pennington Point.  But then I watched this….

I cry every time I watch it.  I show it to the kids; I cry again.

How often to we see unapologetic praise in pubic?  It excites me to the bones.

God is amazing.  Do you know Him?  He knows you.

He is so merciful and mighty.  I just can’t keep from shouting it this morning.

And now I have to go to Walmart, where the grumpy people are.  I pray that my enthusiasm for our magnificent Lord spreads to others and they see through my countenance that I love Him and He loves them.  I might just start singing.

Hey, is it still a flash mob if only one person is doing it?  Or is it just a flash crazy person?  A flasher?  No, that’s not right.  I don’t think that would send the same message.

Anyone want to meet me at Walmart for a quick round of the Hallalujah Chorus?

I’ll start…..HALLELUJAH!  ♫  HALLELUJAH! ♫……


  1. I feel the same way about the vidoes. There is another one done in a Macy’s in New York. Incredible! I prayed that each one singing and listening would realize that this is not just a beautiful song, it is Truth!

    And what in the world are you doing going to WalMart?!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh I’m glad there are other ‘weepers’ like me! I cried and laughed and cried again when I saw the Macy’s one, and I saw this particular one last night on You Tube. What did I do? Yep – you guessed it – I cried! I was sitting at the table, in tears, and my brother-in-law arrived for his dinner. I had to quickly walk away. I wanted to sing and shout …and cry.

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