Learning to Teach

The next two weeks are the last of a long line of busy weeks.

Tonight is our monthly Mom’s Meeting for our homeschool group.  I love these meetings.  This really is the most remarkable group of women.  I am sharing about setting priorities with your homeschool.  It’s a tall subject.  I always feel inadequate when I am going to share something like that.  I know in my heart that I slept through last week and maybe am not the best to stand up and say anything.  But I also know that God used Paul to become His messenger.  How impossible would that have seemed before Damascus?!

Speaking of teaching (I’m the master of segues), James and I are traveling this weekend to a homeschool leadership retreat outside of Dallas.  We are teaching a workshop on Leading a Group with Vision and Purpose.  Even though we are just one small part of a whole weekend of sessions, it’s probably important that we sound like we know what we’re talking about.

Of course, this one should be easier because technically James is supposed to be teaching it with me.  But let’s be honest, he’s just a figurehead.  He will stand there and look pretty while I stutter on.  Ideally we would have our lessons all figured out by now, but there was the whole law school in California thing and the Film Festival deal and a few other bumps along the way.  I’m not sure my cute new haircut will be enough to hold their attention for an hour, so I’d better get working on what to say.

I’ve got a lot to do.  People depending on me.  I hate that.


  1. You are going to be fabulous!!! Don’t even fret about it, you will be talking about things that come easily to your family & really all you have to do is give the rest of us a few tips on how you’ve managed to get where you are right now. I can’t wait for the day to see you speak at one of these events … I really must find a homeschooling group near me … how does one go about doing that?

  2. I have a Mom’s Meeting tonight too….

    We are doing a discussion of how things are going this year, any questions, and I am going to speak about “Why do you homeschool?”

    I need to run…have a bit of tweaking to my talk….

  3. Oh can I come. I would love to hear you talk about teaching.I am near Fort Worth… Do they have space for 37 week pregnant ladies, if I promise not to go into labor?

    I am sure you will do great. You seem like a shot form the hip kind of gal anyway.

  4. Coincidentally, my homeschool-moms group was the same night… but about separating out “mom-time” from “teaching time” and connecting with our kids personally. We, of course, solved all the world’s problems, as I’m sure your group did too! So now all we have to do is publish everything, right?

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