Your Wish Is My Command

Boy, you all can be demanding.

I got so many comments and emails this morning asking to see my new haircut that I couldn’t ignore it.

I would have rather done my usual thing of not showing you because I pretty much can’t stand to have my picture taken.

But I did what any good homeschool mom would do….I skipped school today so we could take 4,397 pictures of me and hope that at least one would turn out good enough to put on the blog.  You think I’m kidding?  I’m not.

I grabbed Hope to come outside and take the pictures.  I would normally ask Patience since she’s the camera buff.  But the last time I had her take a picture of me there was, let’s just say, too much cleavage and a weird spot on my face.  She doesn’t notice things.  I decided that Hope was the right person.  Plus I hoped that somehow her ability to look amazing in every picture would rub off from behind the camera.  But it didn’t.

Oh well… are the three that didn’t disgust me make me want to burn the camera.  The other 4,394 have already been deleted.

Do you like the little flip?  (just say yes because I love it and I don’t really want to know if you don’t like it)

I like the vintage-ness of it.  Plus, James has kind of a thing for Mary Tyler Moore (Laura Petrie to be exact), so it makes him smile when he sees me.  I like making him smile.

Yesterday the stylist (thanks for clearing that up Cha Cha) had curled it all under and it looked like a brown football helmet.  Wait a minute!  Maybe my family did notice my haircut and didn’t want to say anything.  OK, now it’s all becoming clear.

Anyway, there you go.  Now you’ve seen it.  What else do you want to see? I wouldn’t mind missing school tomorrow Too!


  1. Dear Mrs. Lisa,
    I am being Mothers secretary as she is cleaning out the freezers ( we are helping her as well)
    however I am also the school secretary, Mom would like me to tell you a vote from our home is…”We love it” the hair cute/style is adorable! Better than on Mrs.Petrie because you do it yourself (not the studio daily) and you really make dinner & have 9 children! (ha) Unless, we have it wrong and you do have a make-up/hair stylist there daily to begin each day? None the less, we love it and it really looks cute on you!
    Very stately my Mom said …yet can be casual!
    Enjoy it looks great!
    From our home to yours, blessings~
    ~ Maggie for my Mom (Lori)

  2. i love it! it’s so chic! i think your STYLIST did a wonderful job.

    and what is that you are wearing with some pom pom tim??? i love pom pom trim & you have pearls. OH FOR HEAVEN SAKE just show the entire pic! 😉

    looks awesome! you will be sassy as ever at blissdom with your new hair style.

  3. I Love your is really cute and fits you and good job on the photos!
    I am a new follower,I really enjoy your blog,you have a very beautiful family.

  4. I was hoping you would show us, I love it. Your stylist did well even if she can’t style it. I can’t wait to go back and read what people have written for products. Tell Hope that I think she did a great job on the picture, you are glowing.

    Cha Cha

  5. Aww Laura, I love your hair. (I thought we were going to be Lucy and Ethel?) Can you make James’ name into a thirteen syllable word like Laura used to do with the name Rob when she was upset? 🙂


  6. LOVE the flip and the pictures! You do look like Laura! Lovely. I don’t like having my pic taken either, but I’ve finally decided that bad pictures for my kids to cherish are better than no pics at all.

  7. Hi!
    I just found your blog and it’s wonderful! If you get a chance stop by and say hi! Have a great weekend!

  8. I LOVE the flip!!!! The second I saw it all I could think was – very retro, who have I seen this with this same cut and style – someone from an old TV show – who was it???
    . . . And then I scrolled down and there she was – Laura Petrie! Exactly who I was trying to think of! Only you wear it so much better! The body in your hair makes it look so much fuller! And you definitely don’t want the football helmet look (remember the line from Steel Magnolias?), you are way cooler than that!
    Besides I’ve had the flip and it is so easy and always looks so chic and elegant, like you haven’t spent any time on your hair – even though you really did – and you are always ready to go!
    I promise your kids will love those photos one day – the B&Ws are fantastic! I have a few of my mom and I am forever wishing I had more, since she isn’t here anymore.
    Oh and by the way – Any mom who trains/homeschools 9 kids without a speck of gray hair needs to release her secret!
    Sheri O.

  9. Thanks for coming over to say hi! I think you should do a fence board sign, they are so much fun! Anyway, I do love your hair, it is very nice 😉 We took school off yesterday as well…my youngest brother (who is into photography) came down for a short visit. Our main objective…take pictures of my two daughters for Christmas presents! They turned out amazing!!!!

    Have a great day!

  10. I think it is beautiful! And not just because it looks a whole lot like mine. Except I have WAY more salt and much less pepper than you do. But that’s what happens when you start graying in your teens. Oh well. You look great. And I love it that it makes your hubby smile. Bonus!

  11. Oh you made me laugh and feel better about the times that I overlooked laundry, etc so I could get just the right shot of…whatever photo I needed to take.

    I love the flip! It is fun and feminine. Of course your darling man loves it. You look great!

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