The Saga of My Knee

You all are such an encouragement to me!  Your comments after my little fall have kept me going.

So many of you said that you are clumsy too.  Poor Cha Cha fell today and hurt her knee.  I hope we’re not starting a trend.

Then there were the comments about how hard you were laughing.  I am so glad that you all have the same sick sense of humor that I have.

But the story isn’t as funny as I thought.  When I got up at 5:00 AM for my morning, “I’ve had 9 children and I have to go NOW” trip to the ladies’ room I could not even walk.  Not a step.  My knee was super swollen (that’s a medical term) and I couldn’t put one ounce of pressure on it.  Not good when you’re planning to spend the day at the zoo.

So, like a good girl, I went to the doctor.   The good news is that nothing is broken.  The bad news is that is is really badly bruised and swollen.  He said I won’t be able to walk on it for a week to 10 days.  My wonderful friend that drove me around (because James is still out of town) stopped at a resale store and got me some crutches and we went by the medical supply and picked up a knee brace.

I feel like such a dope.  This is the worst week to be out of commission.  James is gone, the older kids are gone, there are important errands to be run and no other drivers.

But I tell you, there is peace.  After about 15 minutes of, “LORD?!  I don’t know what to do!!” the peace washed over me.  I fell into the knowledge that He is in control and I am safely in His hands.  The options are to fight it and be miserable and desperate or relax into it and let God do what He wants with me.

I relaxed.

My knee will heal, my sick friends will still laugh at me and God is good.


  1. Hi Lisa,
    Hope your knee is better soon. I am always amazed at how we struggle with something wanting our own but we we give it over to God all that frustration just goes and we get that peace of knowing that it’s all in His hands. Thanks for the reminder!
    Love Deanne

  2. Relax you have been called to this moment, for what ever reason. Enjoy these days there is purpose for this rest (maybe so James will let the older kids learn to drive, just kidding). I do hope you feel better soon. My knee is all kinds of fun new colors and a little swollen but no real problem. I say we pick something more fun for me to copy next time.

    Have a wonderful day,
    Cha Cha

  3. Okay, first of all I’m so sorry that you hurt your knee and I know what it’s like to “have to go now”. But I had to go back and read your prior post to catch up and I’m sorry but you had me cracking up. Seriously, I got the visual (whether I wanted it or not) and although I really did feel bad for you, I was totally LOLing.
    I’m so glad that you are feeling the peace of the Lord because He does have it under control. Praying that you heal up quicker than quick.

  4. My computer has been messed up and so I didn’t know all this was going on. So sorry. It will be a funny story to tell (much later), but knee pain is very bad. Make those nine children who gave you that bladder wait on you hand and foot. 🙂

  5. Oh Lisa, I’m so sorry! So glad it’s not broken! The more you are able to sit and rest it, the quicker it will heal. Praying for you!


  6. I am so sorry. Good thing you went to the doctor.Baby yourself as much as you can.Maybe the Lord wanted you slow down and let Him take care it of all.And thank God for your great friend. What a blessing.
    Praying Jacob gets great news at the festival.
    Take care.

  7. you two girls have got to stop it!

    i am so out of the loop. i tell ya, things happen around blogland way too fast!

    take care sweet friend. you know what??? it’s ok if you can’t do it all. no one will tell on you!

    sending healing wishes & prayers.

  8. Oh, no! I’m so glad it’s not broken, but sorry that James and the big kids aren’t around. I can’t stop by to help, but I can pray for ya! 🙂

  9. Ah Lisa, now you can experience my irratating knack for putting things off. I am always saying “It (whatever “it” is) will still be there tomorrow.” That drives me crazy and yet I still find myself having said it – always after the fact, of course!
    Those errands aren’t going anywhere – and I hope you have friends you can rely on. Just look at all of us cheering you on and we’ve never even met you. Well not face to face any way.

    I am so happy for you that you found some peace in all this! In God’s loving embrace is the best and warmest place to be!
    Sheri O.

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