Here’s a Story, ‘Bout a Lovely Lady ♫

With James gone for a week I have great plans.

I’m going to get a whole bunch of things done around here.  Or sit and watch TV while the kids eat corn dogs.  You can never be sure which way it will go.

Speaking of TV, I think I’m still in a funk over the glee club guys getting eliminated on The Amazing Race.  I want to be like them and go around singing harmony and being cheerful.  I sing, it’s the cheerful part that I’m not so good at.  I just know that if I went on The Amazing Race I would get letters from strangers asking me why I am such a grump.  I’d look at James and ask him if I was grumpy and he’d reply, “No Hon.  You’re the same as you always are.”

But I can do the singing part.  I love to unexpectedly break into TV theme songs from the 70s right in the middle of conversations.  My kids just stand there and wait for me to stop.  If we allowed eye rolling, this would be the time they would do it. ♫  “People let me tell you ’bout my BEST FRIEND!  He’s a one boy, cuddly toy, my up, my down, my pride and joy…la.  dadadadada.  dadadadada……”  ♫    Then I’ll grab one of the boys and squeeze him.  It’s fun.  For me.

This morning we were all hustling and scurrying (why does that make us sound like rats?) to get the house ready for our guests that arrive in a couple of days.  Around 10am I had 2 kids mowing, 3 more cleaning the guest house, some weeding, one folding laundry and I was in the kitchen cleaning and making lists.  Adam walks in, “Mommy, I left an important note on your chair.”  I couldn’t resist going to look….

Whew!  The very next thing I was going to do was ask Adam what he wanted for Christamis.

I think I’ll make my Christamis list too.  When I get the next Brighton catalog I’m going to write a note saying I want all of “these” with an arrow pointing to the whole catalog.  I can leave it it in James’ office.  Won’t he love coming home to that?  I’m sure it will be the first thing on his mind after intense law studies for a week.

He will be so happy when he sees that we got the yard mowed and the house all spic and span.  He may just be inclined to go buy me a Brighton necklace.  You never know.  OK, I know.  It won’t happen.

“Love, exciting and new.  Come aboard.  We’re expecting youuuuuuu….”  ♫

I can’t stop myself.


  1. Ken’s fond of breaking out into commercial jingles from the ’70s. I just smile at the kids and say “I’m too young to remember that one.” LOL. I honestly can’t remember the TV show tunes….but I can belt out an old musical show tune (and will) at any opportunity. Poor kids.

  2. You crack me up. If you watch tv and eat corn dogs, you can find an oldies channel, and brush up on those tunes!! I, myself, whistle them. I do, unfortunately sing pre-school show theme songs, they get into my head because the littles are going around singing them.
    dinosaur train….dinosaur train….gonna ride….the dinosaur train

  3. Oh my goodness I was cracking up. I do the same thing, but in MY world it’s 80’s songs. I have to sing them out loud to get them out of my brain. The funny part is that a few minutes later someone in the family that was in hearing range of me will be singing the same song. HA!
    I hope this week goes fast for you and you get your things accomplished.

  4. Your second sentence pretty much describes my life. I am either on a roll getting things done or a complete bum who sits around and does next to nothing. No wonder my children never know what to expect when they get up each morning. I too am a singing momma. I also dance. I make the kids watch me do the cleanup dance in the morning and whoever does not smile has to get up and do it with me. They act like they hate it, but I think they really like it. 🙂

    And if you do decide to watch TV just call it research. You can learn all new theme songs and brush up on the old ones!

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