A Saturday

Today was another long drive.  I went to pick up my older kids who had been gone all week helping my parents.  Dad is home from his heart surgery and recovering much more slowly than he’d like.  So Grace and Jacob went to help.  I sure am glad to have them home…all my ducks in a row.

It’s been a lot of traveling this month.  It’s a good thing that I like to drive.  If someone (who shall remain nameless because I wouldn’t want to shame my own husband) would get driver’s licenses for my older two kids I wouldn’t have to do all of the driving myself.  I’m ready to have my offspring take over some of the responsibilities so I can nap, or play games on my phone, or talk their ear off about nothing while they try to concentrate on the traffic.

Fortunately I have my ipod loaded with seminars from the latest THSC convention.  There’s nothing like listening to a man talk about spelling for an hour to keep you awake while driving.  It’s riveting.  Or better yet, listening to my 9 year old re-tell the entire movie of “Kung Fu Panda”.

Let’s just say it took massive amounts of Diet Dr Pepper with Sonic ice to keep me awake.

What is it about the ice at Sonic?  Can we all just stand up and cheer, “Hooray Sonic for your spectacular ice machines!  How would I make it through a summer without you?!”

There’s a new Lego store on the way to my parent’s, so I decided to take Noah and Adam along and surprise them.  It was a madhouse.  This itty bitty store was so packed with out of control children that it actually made me consider getting my tubes tied.  I mean really people, teach your children to wait their turn.  My boys put some of their birthday savings together to buy a Lego set.  $60.  I’m curious as to why no one has noticed that when you give Lego your money they give you 869 teeny pieces of useless plastic in return.

This post is sounding so down….but I’m not down.  I’m just tired.  Dad is doing better and I’m really, really happy to have my little family all back together again.  James and the older kids are watching their weekly episode of “Star Trek”, the little boys are all tucked into bed and dreaming of Legos, the middle girls are reading aloud to each other upstairs and me, Lisa, I’m resting my bones by sitting in my recliner and telling you all about it.

It’s a good life.


  1. How would I make it through a PREGNANCY without Sonic ice?!? That was my single largest resource for hydration, lol! LOVE it…but can do without the DP. Sweet tea is my downfall. ::sigh:: Glad your dad is doing better and that your family is all home together tonite. ((hugs))

  2. Sonic ice is amazing. My heart goes out to people who aren’t blessed with a sonic. My entire pregnancy with Little Sister – I had cheese sticks and a dr. pepper. ATLEAST once a week. It was my only caffeine during the pregnancy… but man, glorious!

    I’m so amazed at all you do – we had an 8am soccer game this morning and I’ve been worthless ever since!
    .-= Jill @ Live Laugh Blog´s last blog ..Fall Festival – week 1 =-.

  3. Oh NO you are raising Trekies. I was a Treky growing up, haven’t watched it in ages, Honestly I had completely forgotten about it until right now, it was common ground for my dad and I. Glad your family is all back together, you will rest better having everyone at home. I hope you enjoy your weekend.

    Cha Cha
    .-= Cha Cha´s last blog ..PREPARING FOR FALL PART 1 =-.

  4. You guys are great! I knew I wasn’t the only one that used Sonic ice all through my pregnancies.

    Cha Cha, *I* am not raising Trekkies….my husband is raising Trekkies and I am constantly trying to un-Trek them. LOL!


  5. A Lego store?!?!?! That is so awesome. I hadn’t even thought of that. I just looked it up and found one that, just so happens, to be in the same direction as Ikea. Road trip!!

    I’ve been wondering about your dad and praying for him. Recovery is hard enough, without it being made harder by being slow. I would say for me the first few weeks were….horrible. Followed by many months of frustrating. The surgeon told me I would recover to 90% in about 2-3 months, but that last 10% would take up to 6. That last 10% was SO frustrating. Little things like raising my arms to put towels on the shelf. Laying on the bed sideways. OH, that just reminded me, I’m not sure what his sleeping arrangements are but I slept for about 4 weeks in a recliner (basically lived in the recliner) and it made it so much easier. The first week I tried sleeping in bed with my husband gingerly helping me when I needed up but even that was incredibly painful. It helped tons when I started using the recliner.

    Ok, not meaning to ramble but he has been in my thoughts so much. Sending prayers!

  6. What a sweet post! I felt like I was sitting right there beside you listening to you retell your day! Although I must say I am intrigued abuot the Sonic ice thing – I’ve had a drink from there before and didn’t notice anything special about the ice – I will have to try again.

    A Lego Store! My son & daughter would have been on cloud 9 (and then some). What a treat for your boys! And yes, I agree a zillion peices of Legos later I am thnking my lucky stars for my Dyson vacuum!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I would like to add “and why do they have to sell Legos in sets, anyway?” They’re assembled once, then scattered, and all their tiny pieces just get thrown into the big bucket with all the other random Legos… Wish they’d just sell the DIRECTIONS for building!

  8. That is so special that your kids were able to help your parents!

    I feel as if I have been driving everywhere all summer. Why? Because I have! Aaaah, to have a few days without running here and there….

    Love Sonic ice!
    .-= Deanna´s last blog ..Last Night =-.

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