Summing Up

This week the kids and I ran to visit my parents.  It’s a 5 hour drive….nuthin’ by Texas standards.

Before I left I shipped the Market Tote from my giveaway.  Nancy over at Live Love Laugh won and she gave me free reign to do what I wanted on her tote.  So I combined her blog header with an image of a necklace she sent me and came up with this.  I hope you like it Nancy!

I use my Market Tote all the time!  It goes on trips carrying all of those little things that don’t go anywhere else (vitamins, books, cords, snacks) and I use it for picnics and flea marketing, book conventions, vegetable markets.  I love it!

While visiting my parents, we also got together with good friends to show them the kids’ movies.  We celebrated my wonderful aunt’s birthday and saw friends that were visiting from Ohio. It was a full schedule.

We also made our traditional trip to Build a Bear.  My parents take the grandchildren for their third birthday.  Levi got his bear….

This will be his bedtime friend for a long time.  He named his bear Jacob.

Today I’m in my obligatory post-travel vegetative state.  My bed is calling my name.


  1. Levi is adorable! I think it’s so sweet that he named his bear after my middle boy… ;0)
    “Post-travel vegetative state”… so THAT’s what I’ve had going on since June 21st… Thanks for clearing that up for me.

    See you in less than 2 weeks!
    .-= Sara K´s last blog ..Semper Fi – Always Faithful =-.

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