A Crazy Week

My week is solid proof that your days are not your own.

I was going to spend lots of time with the kids, do some baking and meal preparation to help them get through the weekend without me.  I was planning to travel Thursday through Sunday to the Woodlands, TX with several friends for the THSC Convention.

But before Monday even began God changed the plans.  My mom called in the wee hours of the morning to let me know that Dad was in bad shape.  I grabbed a bag and James drove me the hour to the closest airport, all day trying to get to my parents.  By the time I went to bed that night, I was trying to get a grip on what had happened.

It just reminds me that really, all of our ideas of being in control are an illusion.  God is in control of everything.  Even when I think I am controlling my days….it is His mercy and love for me that let me follow my own plans.

Last night I flew back to Texas and drove four hours to my parents’ house.  It is so strange to be here without them.

Back in Mississippi, Mom says Dad was a little more aware tonight.  He has pneumonia now, which is a problem.  If you are interested in keeping up with his progress you can go here and read the daily updates.

I will still be able to attend the convention tomorrow.  I miss my kids badly.  I miss James terribly.  But we all agree that I should still attend the convention.  My sweet friends were all able to make other arrangements to be here.  I am really looking forward to seeing them!

But who knows what tomorrow will hold.

I’m ready for anything.


  1. At this point, I’m also praying for you and your energy. PLEASE don’t over do it at the convention!

    Love you!

  2. Thanks Heather….it’s nice to have friends that are watching out for me. I love you! Lisa~

  3. Lisa,

    I had NO idea this was happening! This was the week of my own dad’s death and I was really out of any blogging/reading loop. Hope he’s made a full recovery – I went to the caring bridge site, but there weren’t any updates. I’m sorry you experienced this, my friend!
    .-= Karen @ Simply A Musing Blog´s last blog ..Its Official =-.

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