IKEA packing

We loaded up at Canton.  I got some old shutters for the porch, some glass domes that I can’t wait to show you, place card holders, and more.

The van was full, but we had to stop at IKEA.  That is the law, right?  I’m pretty sure it is.

One of us (I’m not going to name names) decided to buy a whole other van full of stuff at IKEA.

The van before we even started putting the IKEA purchases in….

We unloaded everything.  Right there in the IKEA parking lot.

Just so you know, the only thing in this picture that is mine are the plants in the bottom right corner.

I did have one large item.  I found a great set of lockers.

Can you BELIEVE we got it all in?

I’m so excited about my lockers.  I’ve wanted some for a long time.  I love the connection from homeschooling to the school I remember as a child.  Plus storage….there’s always a need!

So, I need to paint them.  What color do you think?  Black?  White?  Bronze?

What do you think?


  1. I wish I had known you were there. I am about 5 minutes away, I would have come by to say “Hello”. I think I see a trend here…

  2. I say leave ’em YELLOW! They’re so bright and cheery…but of course, if you can’t take the yellow, there’s always red. this from the person with a RED SOFA, remember?
    I love the IKEA…remind me to tell you about our recent trip in a borrowed van. We have to drive only 2 hours to Phoenix. Let me know if you decide to come over to this store.
    .-= lisa´s last blog ..princess annie =-.

  3. they are already school bus yellow….why not the stripes, windows, etc and make them look like a school bus? My other choice would be silver and black…sleek looking 🙂

  4. I still vote for black. They look great there! I thought they were going to go in Noah’s room? We put ours in the boys’ room and they are SUPER. Would look better if the walls were a different color, but they hold a lot and I’m thrilled!

    We totally ROCK at packing!
    .-= Grateful for Grace´s last blog ..Mindless Monster =-.

  5. I’m still recovering.

    My 2 cents on the lockers is to paint them a color lockers would never be… the bronze is an interesting idea. But since they are in a unique school I think they should be a unique color too.
    .-= Sara K´s last blog ..Remember… =-.

  6. If you would like the lockers to be a focal point then paint it a contrasting color (black~bronze).
    If you would like to appreciate the lockers more quietly then paint them the wall color or white.
    .-= Laura Ingalls Gunn´s last blog ..Mother’s Day =-.

  7. I can’t believe you got all that in your van! Amazing! Love Canton…had meant to go this past month, but it snuck up on me. As for IKEA, well….yeah…I love it too.

    I have wanted lockers for the boys’ dorm style room for awhile now. Color? I’d go red, but that’s just my fav!
    .-= Angela´s last blog ..Mall reflections =-.

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