What TIME is it?!

I am pretty sure that the time change is a government conspiracy against me.

It is an effort to keep me from getting anything done, keep me exhausted and sleepy, make sure I am zombie-like by 5:00 in the afternoon so they can…..

….well, I don’t know exactly WHY the government would want to do this to me. But I’m in a zombie state right now, so I’m not thinking clearly.

I’ll figure it out in a week when I’ve recovered.

I am clear about this though….

it’s gorgeous outside and my front porch needs some flowers.

See how sad it looks. The new wall is all tired and boring and….HEY! That’s just how I feel.

Maybe my problem is a lack of flowers, and the time change, and the weekend’s worth of laundry waiting to be done.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need a nap.


  1. Dear Lisa:
    love your new look, wish I could sip tea with you on your be-flowered porch. Daisy

  2. Just wanted to see your new spot – it looks great. I guess it is one of the perks of losing an old computer?

  3. Great site.

    Now I know why the gov’t picked THIS week to illegally pass the health care deal… they thought we would be too tired to notice! It all makes sense now. 😛

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