
I thought you might like to know what our Texas sized Thanksgiving will look like. I will post after pictures, but for now….here’s a written plan. My parents will arrive the night before. I am planning to have most of the prep work done before they get here so Mom doesn’t have to work too…

The Perfect Red

I had a great need…..I mean a great! Red lipstick. The perfect red. It is evasive….that perfect shade. I decided I needed help, so I headed into Ulta….the place to buy overly priced make-up for desperate women hoping to hide their age. I wandered around rubbing red lipsticks onto my hand….some were too pink, some…


I drove by one of our small town Mexican restaurants last week and here’s what the sign said…. We now serve biscuits Maybe it’s just me, but I have never gone to a Mexican restaurant and thought to myself, “I’d really like a biscuit.” If I want a biscuit I go to Cracker Barrel. Can…

My Homies

These are my peeps. My homies. I know they’re all white. They’re still my bros. Every Sunday night we have a gang in our crib. Fellow Christians that long for deeper relationships. More love from the ‘hood. I love these people. There’s a whole other group that comes on Wednesday nights….I love them too! I…

Guilt Free

It’s funny. For the past couple of days I have been a little tortured. The break-in of my van keeps running over and over in my mind. At first I had a clear memory of putting the GPS on the floor before I got out of the car. But as time passed I started to…


As you probably have figured out by now….I’m a little OCD. It’s sad I know. I know what you’re thinking….just make it stop. Come on, admit it. You think I should be able to drown out and ignore the noises and messes and tapping-tapping-tapping-TAPPING….oh. Sorry. There I go again. The quirks (yes, I call them…