Happy January 2012

Whew!  It’s over.  Christmas, wedding, shop craziness….over.

I rung in the New Year in style….just me and Angela Lansbury.  I snuggled down in my recliner with my cough medicine and a fuzzy blanket and watched a “Murder, She Wrote” marathon.  It was like being 20 again.  Sally Struthers, Morgan Fairchild, Steve Lawrence, Joann Worley, Leslie Neilson…..it was a ride in the magic time machine.

1984…..it was a good year.  Huge eye glasses, shoulder pads and oh Angela had a silk scarf for every outfit.

It was a bit odd that someone got murdered everywhere she went and she didn’t seem to even get shaken by it.  I’ve never even had an acquaintance that was murdered.  I have no doubt it would send me to bed for weeks.

Like falling….the kids fall down and get up and keep running.  I fell on the porch a year and a half ago and I’m still recovering.

I’m not sure really how I got to that subject, but it makes me feel better to mention it.

This cough is getting on my nerves.  But there is one thing about it that I am getting some fun out of.  For some reason I do not understand, Levi thinks he has to say, “Bless you,” after every cough.  So when I get into a fit of hacking he comes running in from wherever he is playing and starts blessing me…over and over until he gets frustrated because I keep coughing.  Then I get tickled and it makes me cough more which results in…well you know what happens when an over 40 multi-gravida woman starts to cough really hard….which send me running to the bathroom.  This all ends in me rushing to the potty coughing and laughing with Levi running behind me yelling, “Bless you! Bless you! Bless you!”

Levi is so sick of the whole operation that this morning when I coughed he came to me with his hand up and said, “Bless you, but just a little bit.  If I bless you a little bit then maybe you will only cough a little bit.  I can’t say bless you all day Mommy.”

Hopefully he’s onto something.  If not, there’s a “Diagnosis Murder” marathon on later that will keep me occupied.

Happy January.



  1. Oh my goodness…Levi’s comments cracked me up! Just last week my Greyson said, “Mom, there really should be something you say when someone coughs”. Love how kids think. Mike just got over bronchitis so there was a lot of coughing going on around here. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  2. Oh Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. We could have spent New Year’s together and been perfectly happy. Right after Mark and I had our first son we moved from Charlotte back home to Birmingham. We had no money and no place to live and my parents took us in. (Realizing now they really had no choice, but they were very gracious about it). Everyday my mom would watch Murder She Wrote re-runs and I would roll my eyes. By the time we moved out 10 months later I was hooked and we worked our lunch time around the show so we could sit and watch it while we ate.

    I found you can watch them on Netflix too. Oh me, little old ladies solving mysteries…love it. I always thought it was weird that she had so many friends who kept inviting her places. I mean, they had to know what was going to happen…

  3. That’s hilarious. My daughter has a cough just now, and I’m less gracious than Levi. I do a, ‘Kitty, why do you cough so? Have you no compassion on my poor nerves?’…. Yes, we’ve been watching Pride and Prejudice…. Again!

    Oh, Happy New Year!

  4. Ok, I think I could handle the cough, but the splitting headache (with its attached nausea) is about to do me in! How did you get rid of the headache?

  5. That is too sweet! I hope you write that down in his baby book. Hope you feel better:)

  6. What’s so strange is that my own 6 year old, Sam, does the same thing when someone coughs. He started this about a year ago, and it was so unexpectedly sweet that I haven’t had the heart to tell him the we *only* say ‘bless you’ when someone sneezes. I just discovered your blog today, and I love it! I am a homeschooling mama from TN with *only* 4 kids, and I love your home decorating style (probably because it’s very similar to my own!). Hope you are feeling better.

  7. I have that Murder She Wrote marathon on our DVR! I missed those in the ’80’s. I was a new mom and didn’t watch a whole lot of TV. Now that my “baby” is 20, I can slip in a show during my lunch hour(s) and catch up! As long as the foster babies don’t need me at the moment. I enjoy it because it’s an actual mystery we get to solve and there is usually not a whole lot of gore like most shows nowadays. Funny thing during my marathon, the same actress portrayed her cousin, and years later she was just a stranger who owned a store. I was thinking she moved to NYC from a small town in Texas, but when Angela approached her, the “cousin” asked her how she could help her!

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