5 Thoughts That Really Help When Marriage Gets Difficult
As tax season rolls along I get lonely. And sad. It’s true….9 kids and a home business, but sometimes I feel lonely for my husband and I want him to stop working and give me some attention.
As tax season rolls along I get lonely. And sad. It’s true….9 kids and a home business, but sometimes I feel lonely for my husband and I want him to stop working and give me some attention.
Well friends, I have officially reached code red status of exhaustion. As much as I love to travel, it wears me out and takes me a week to recover from.
Well, I’m in California today so it’s gonna be hard to think of anything to say because my recliner is my writing partner and we are missing each other.
I do not adjust well. As you may imagine, Sunday was a long day for me (therefore it was a long day for my family). I could barely crawl out of bed in the morning
Everywhere I go people look at me with surprise because of my weight loss. I have had several people, who I know pretty well, not recognize me since I lost weight.
I may have accidentally discovered my superpower this weekend…..doing 12 things at once and still not having anything to show for it.
You’d think I could wrap my mind around the weekend being over since I stayed home the almost whole time and did pretty much nothing.
Speaking of music, in Macy’s they were playing 80’s rock and that can only mean one thing. Momma’s gonna dance. I can’t help it
And so I decided to change my life one Thursday last summer. No fanfare or Facebook frenzy. I just put down the french fries and never looked back.
I have rarely looked forward to a normal day like I look forward to this one. We are finally coming out of our flu fog and school is back in swing this week. Hip hip hooray for simple problems like running out of eggs.