How I am Changing from Fred to Wilma
Everywhere I go people look at me with surprise because of my weight loss. I have had several people, who I know pretty well, not recognize me since I lost weight.
Everywhere I go people look at me with surprise because of my weight loss. I have had several people, who I know pretty well, not recognize me since I lost weight.
Even though the freezing weather is keeping me inside with a workout DVD or stretch or use the treadmill, it isn’t stopping me from my praise music.
I told you a couple of weeks ago that I have lost 75 pounds so far on this weight loss journey that I started last summer. It’s been a great experience and I have learned so much about myself and my body, but I still have a long way to go.
And so I decided to change my life one Thursday last summer. No fanfare or Facebook frenzy. I just put down the french fries and never looked back.
Even though I’m finished with my modesty series, I will still be sharing what I wear from time to time. Since I’m losing weight, it’s fun to try to put together something to wear with what I can find in my very sparse closet.
I have told y’all so much already about how I use my Young Living oils, but today I’m joining some other bloggers to just get to the nitty gritty and share how we use them every day.
Since I workout every morning (who IS this stranger in my body?!) I listen to a lot of music. I need some new stuff so last week I asked on Facebook for suggestions for some new workout music and BOY did I get a LOT of ideas!
I’ve been reflecting back on my blog posts and wanted to re-share my top posts from each month.
People ask me all the time, “What’s your secret? How did you do it?!” I disappoint them every time when I tell them it’s just good old-fashioned diet and exercise. No tricks, no surgery, no magic pill. Bummer, right?
This post contains affiliate links. There are so many things that I love and would love to get for Christmas if I didn’t already have them! So I thought I’d share this list with you. Maybe it will help you do some of your shopping or be a great thing for your husband to read…