Computer Troubles

Time sure flies when you’re having fun. I’ve heard that. But I haven’t been having fun. I’ve been fighting with my computer. It’s overheating and not following my instructions. My Etsy Shop has been busy too, which is so fabulous, but it takes time away from blogging. Hang in there with me. We’re working on…


It’s been a hard few days. I’m not really even sure why. No one is complaining. Things are getting done. The kids are fine with their school work. But I can’t shake the feeling that I am not really doing my very best. I feel like I am falling short in everything. Is this something…

The A Game

We have different little games we play with each of the kids. A private joke, a game of pretend, something silly we only do with them. They all need some special attention sometimes. This one has an amusement that keeps us in stitches….. I will send him over to Daddy’s office to deliver something. “Here,…

I Need Your help

I have made a plan. A weight loss plan that is. The rest of my life is planned for me. I try, but really….when there are dirty diapers and goats and “Mom this paper is due today and I forgot!” things happening all around you….planning is futile. “Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.” I…