Catching Up with Invisalign!
It’s time to catch you up on our Invisalign journey. If you remember, I have 2 boys in treatment and that means keeping up with aligners and getting to the ortho every 10 weeks.
It’s time to catch you up on our Invisalign journey. If you remember, I have 2 boys in treatment and that means keeping up with aligners and getting to the ortho every 10 weeks.
When you become an author you make a lot of friends who are authors and then you read their books and you feel so grateful to know these incredible people!
Emotions are not one track. Sometimes I’m excited-scared or confused-organized. This past weekend I was glad-sad.
Once I got unpacked and caught up with the home front, it was time to start scrubbing. Nothing says, “Mom’s HOME!” like a day of house cleaning.
A few years ago God started opening up opportunities for me to take small trips here and there. I’d be asked to speak at a conference or have a training meeting to go to.
I got a new toy a few weeks ago and basically want to do nothing but play with it. I got myself a Cricut Explore Air.
This weekend I am going to be in Alabama for a Young Living 3 day event. It’s called Beauty School and I hope it means I will become beautiful while I’m there.
You’re just the sweetest and I wish we could all have an afternoon sitting on my front porch and drinking oil infused water over Sonic ice.
I got a bag with tiny chocolate bars, Gobstoppers and little cardboard boxes of Nerds inside. These seemed perfect for putting in a big bowl on the coffee table so everyone could just grab a piece when they felt like it.
Have you ever thought about how much your relationship with your kids is a reflection of how God sees you?
I like to think about things like that.