Embracing Modesty, No. 50
This week I have been doing a lot of running around. I have a limited wardrobe right now, but that’s OK….I love to mix and match. I really buy things with that in mind since I like to play with my clothes.
This week I have been doing a lot of running around. I have a limited wardrobe right now, but that’s OK….I love to mix and match. I really buy things with that in mind since I like to play with my clothes.
I have gotten several questions about how we celebrate Christmas. It’s pretty simple around here. Just the 11 of us on Christmas morning (some years my parents join us).
Last week I showed y’all my cute kitchen shutters and sign I made for Christmas when I told you how much I love Blinds.com. So now I want to share how we made the sign. You won’t believe how easy it was!
Which makes me wonder….what do you want to see for next year? More modesty pictures? Or something else like our meal plans? Or maybe homeschool ideas? I’d love to hear from you!!!
Some of the kids and I did a little local Black Friday shopping and I finally got some clothes that fit me. I am so shocked that I actually fit into clothes in the regular sections now.
This post contains affiliate links. There are so many things that I love and would love to get for Christmas if I didn’t already have them! So I thought I’d share this list with you. Maybe it will help you do some of your shopping or be a great thing for your husband to read…
I only have 2 pictures for you today because, frankly, I’m sleepy and want to go to bed. Thanksgiving wore me out and I can’t think of nothing but lying my head on my pillow and dreaming of a clean kitchen. And pie.
Well I finally did it. I got some new clothes. I was determined not to spend much since I expect to lose more weight and I don’t want to use my limited resources on something short term.
I felt like a change this year….not the same old holiday decor that I have been using for years. And since none of my old stuff has any real sentimental value, I decided to try some new things….just for fun!
Brrrr…..it’s been cold this week! I have been pulling out the old stuff and I picked up a few small new things to help me look cute while I transition through my weight loss.