Welcome to Radiance!
I finally did something I have been thinking about for a couple of year. I started a podcast.

It’s sad how long it takes me to figure out technology and computers. That part of podcasting is just not my gift, but thankfully some of my kids are great at it and they finally helped me figure it all out. My daughter Patience was the most help, she’s amazing! (if you don’t follow her on Instagram you really should). Her first name proved to be necessary while dealing with teaching me how to do this and she made my little podcast intro and really carried me along at first. I hate to tell you how many times she had to keep herself from laughing when I couldn’t figure out how to do something simple, like move a file or hit record.
If you have been around my blog for a while you know that I have had struggles with my relationships with a few of my adult children. It’s been a long, difficult road and learning to navigate the challenges has been a growing experience for me. I get so many messages and emails from other moms who have recently faced really difficult situations with their older kids and I know their pain.
It is heart-breaking when the people you love the most in the world reject you. There are so many emotions and so much confusion that it is hard to know where to turn. And no one talks about it, especially Christians. We tend to think we have to look perfect or have no problems and when we are shattered we don’t know what to do.
I have been there. And for many years now I have felt I should talk about it, open the doors to this secret issue of being hurt by your kids. But how do you do that without damaging those relationships even more? It’s a delicate balance for sure! Those are still, and will always be, my most precious and treasured relationships. Even if they reject me, I will not reject them. Not because I am so great, but because it’s how God made me….as a mom….to never let go.
But theres a difference between not letting go of my love for them, and letting go of their opinions of me. I can, with God’s help, let that go. I don’t have to drag around being unhappy because of hard issues with my grown kids. I can actually still have joy and peace and victory despite the challenges. And you can too!
That’s what I am sharing in the podcast called, Radiance. It’s all about finding freedom in the midst of the hard times. I hope you’ll be blessed by it.