3 of My Favorite Recipes
Hey hey! It’s been a while since I popped in for a chat. We’ve had a lot going on around here with kids getting married and grands being born and there was a little pandemic happening. I’m so happy to say hi and catch up! I have so much to tell ya!
If you follow me on Instagram then you already know I made a big change in my diet last fall. After the 20+ pounds I gained in 2020 (and I already was overweight before that), I needed to do something. And with all of my traveling to visit my grown kids and still 3 at home plus a thriving Young Living business I knew if I made my plan too hard to keep up with I wouldn’t succeed.
I’d tried a few diet plans over the summer, but all of them fell to the wayside as soon as I got overwhelmed with it. Then one day at the end of September I spent time with a dear friend who was already a year into her keto/carnivore journey and we talked a lot about it. I felt drawn to what she was doing and I spent some time learning more about it and decided to jump in.
So I stopped eating carbs and added intermittent fasting to my life. I went cold turkey, which meant I felt pretty icky for about a week but then it leveled off and I have felt great ever since! I set my goal at less than 10 carbs a day and fasting for 18-20 hours a day. I am happy to say that I have stuck close to that since October 1, 2021. Thats almost 6 months. And in that 6 months I feel so much better and have lost 45#.
The even better news is that I don’t feel helpless and hopeless about it like I did for the past several years. That feeling of desperately needing to make changes and not being able to really do it is so hard. I don’t know why sometimes it sticks and other times it doesn’t. I don’t think this plan is the only way or better than some of the others I tried. But it’s been the one that works for me.
I have lots of tips and ideas that I have learned along the way. But the thing that I want to share first are a few of the fave recipes that have really helped me stick to a low carb lifestyle. If I had to eat nothing but meat all of the time I don’t think I would last long with that eating style. I crave variety and to have a few things on my plate with a meal. So I set about finding ways to accomplish that. I am not a great cook, but I do try. In other words….if I can make these so can you!
- 1. Garlic Butter Keto Bread – this is our number one (hubs is doing the same eating style). I make it every couple of weeks and we eat on it for a while. You wouldn’t think while you’re making it that it is going to turn out anything like bread, but it sure does! It’s very filling. I usually eat half a piece at a time, making my half serving 2.5 carbs and 5.5 g protien.

- 2. Keto Crackers – These are my go-to for road trip snacks. I take a lot of road trips so finding snacks to eat in the car is a challenge and these fit the bill. In the recipe she makes them round, but I don’t want to go to that much work so I just cut them into squares. I cook them a little longer than the recipe calls for because I like a cracker that has a little bit of a browned edge. Here they are with my keto broccoli cheese soup. It’s just an estimate, but I usually count 5-6 crackers as having 2 carbs and 4 g protien.

- 3. Keto cornbread – This is yummalicious. Adding the cornbread flavoring to it, about 8-10 drops, makes it buttery and gives it a corn taste. This recipe doesn’t specify which sugar substitute to use, but I use Swerve granular. I like to use a normal almond meal with this recipe instead of the superfine. It gives it that gritty corn texture. I also like these in a cast iron muffin pan. You can use a regular muffin pan if that’s all you have. The muffins are a great size and making muffins means it is already in portion sizes. One of these has about 5 carbs and 7 g of protein.
So those are three that I make a lot. I have a few more I will share soon, but you really should give these a try!
When I make any of these we eat a little and store what’s left in the fridge for the rest of the week, or until it’s gone. I will usually reheat any of these in my air fryer. That means they taste almost fresh as new.
Be sure to come back soon for more of my new food discoveries. They have made life so much better! And hop over to Facebook if you have any great keto recipes to share!