The Master Bedroom + My Oil Storage
When the fire happened in 2018, our bedroom was one of the rooms that was most affected. The fire burned the attic bedroom right above the master, so all of the water the fire dept poured on the fire fell below in the master. Everything in my bedroom was ruined both by smoke and by water. Our insurance company didn’t help matters by taking almost two weeks to respond (I don’t recommend them) so everything just sat there getting mildew and more damage.
For about a month this was our bedroom….

I say all of that so you know that I had to replace EVERYTHING in my bedroom. Not a shred of our possessions survived except my headboard and the shutters, which I’m in love with and so thankful we were able to clean them and use them again (thanks!).
One blessing that came from the fire is that I got to purge and get rid of everything we really didn’t use. It is nice to have a clean slate and arrange the bedroom the way that works better for us. I spent a lot of time planning for the bedroom because it not only is where we sleep, but it’s where I store all of my Young Living products and business supplies. Before the fire all of that was just kind of stuck here and there. But since I had to replace everything anyway, may as well get more organized!
Why don’t you come on in and I’ll show you around.

The bed is on the wall across from the door.

It’s all new, the bed, the tables, lamps, bedding, everything except the headboard. Even the ceiling fan, outlets, baseboards, I mean everything.

I did a lot of consignment store shopping and dug through clearance aisles. Even though the headboard survived, I did repaint it. I built it myself years ago and it was pretty messy looking after the fire and all the scrubbing it needed to get the soot off. I’d actually been wanting to paint it for a few years and never took the time, so I was glad I was kind of forced to do it.

There used to be two recliners sitting in front of the windows, but I always felt like they blocked the gorgeous sun that comes through in the morning. So I rearranged and now there’s just this little chest between them. A stranger actually offered to give this chest to me after the fire, so it’s a sweet reminder every day of the kindness of strangers.

Across from the bed is where I put the new recliners. I spent weeks searching for just the right chairs. I wanted a color that was soothing and would downplay the ugly style of recliners. I love this light blue-ish/aqua-ish color (I don’t think that’s the technical name but I have no idea what they call it).

The artwork behind the chairs was either in our storage or tucked into a closet far from the fire so we were able to save it. I was so glad I didn’t lose everything I’ve collected over the years.
The large shelf between the chairs is one that I build myself. I needed something to serve two purposes. First, I needed storage for all of my YL business supplies and books. And second I wanted to cover where they rebuilt the steps going up to the attic bedroom. The original steps were awkward, but improving them meant cutting into my bedroom ceiling and there would be a part of the steps sticking out into my ceiling.

I knew I could make it work by building something to cover it. I wanted a simple, almost shaker style that was white washed. If you open those top cabinet doors all you’ll see is the part of the stairs from above.

On the fourth wall of the room is where I have all of my essential oils and supplements. I had the small dressers from other parts of the house and I found the middle piece on Craigslist.

I painted the three lower pieces black and added sliding shelves to the middle piece. It was just a shell when I found it, very sturdy but no doors or shelves or anything. So it was perfect to create what I needed.

I bought little metal holders for my oils so they would stay neat and easy to locate. I put them in alphabetical order. In case you think that’s too much work, keep in mind I paid a child to put them in order for me. And when I get new oils I give him money to move them all over to fit it in. Motherhood at its finest right there.

As you can see, I use the lower sliding shelves for my Savvy Minerals makeup and various other products. I built the two side towers for my supplements.

I like having products for my family so we don’t run out when we need them. But I also keep plenty in case someone from my local team needs anything or wants to try something. It’s sooo nice to have them all organized and easy to find!

In case you’re wondering where the dressers are, we don’t keep any of our clothes in the bedroom. And thats good because my YL stuff takes up all the space! 🙂 I kept the wall where the bed is really simple since the YL storage is a lot of visual and I didn’t want it to feel messy. I like that it’s pretty minimal now.
Thanks for coming on this master bedroom tour with me. I hope you will visit some of the other rooms in the house while you’re here! My kitchen is a favorite!
If you decide you need to start your oil collection lemme know and I’ll help you get some! Or you can just hit THIS LINK, order your Premium Starter Kit and then I will reach out to you and we can become good friends and learn together! I promise to be a source of support as you figure out what works for you.
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