How Has it Been TWO YEARS Since Our House Fire?!
I can hardly believe we just passed the two year mark since our house fire. I should have kept you more in the loop of our recovery, but it’s been a whirlwind of activity. Just since the fire we have married off another daughter and our first three grandchildren were born. Plus We’ve done so much remodeling and homeschooling and helping other grown kids move out and our seventh child graduated last year. So yeah, kinda busy.
I only have two kids in school now and that. is. so. weird. I hardly know what to do with myself. I knew it was coming all along, but it still feels like a surprise. I am looking down the tunnel of homeschooling and after almost 30 years I see the faint light of the end, even though I still have 6 years to go. The good news is my last child, Levi, is so self-motivated and strict with himself that I don’t have to do much. I say things to him like, “Hey let’s just skip that today and watch a movie and eat some junk.” But he won’t. He likes being responsible. Sometimes I wonder if he shouldn’t be raising ME.
Speaking of raising kids, don’t ever let anyone tell you it gets easy when the kids leave home. In the words of Dwight Schrute, “FALSE.” Those relationships take a lot of work and effort, especially when they all move to other towns and in some cases other states! We do a lot of Marco Polo chats and I visit them as much as I can. Especially since the babies were born. I NEED to see them, but I also need to live my life of mothering and housekeeping and running my own business. So it’s a challenge, but a good one.
What? You want to see pictures of my grandchildren? OK, well if you insist.

Those two girls are a beautiful handful. And our grandson, so precious. The two youngest babies were born just a few days apart and I was humbled and honored to be there when they were each born. My older granddaughter too….I know it’s a lot to ask God, but I pray I don’t miss any of the births of the grandbabies. They are the special moments of my life!
Back at home we’re plugging along. As for the house fire recovery, we got about 95% of it done within a few months of moving back into the house. That was a year ago and that last 5% is still waiting. It’s funny how once the momentum stopped we just came to a halt. And really those last few things are small. I’m usually a finisher, but the past year kind of ate me up and spit me out. Most days I feel like sleeping more than painting trim or fixing an outlet that just never worked after the fire. I’m like, “Oh well…..we’ve gone without it this long, may as well take another nap.”
If you missed any of the post-fire updates here are a few…
Harry Potter Style Bedroom
Tiny Bathroom Makeover
Hipster Bedroom
Levi’s Room
Guest Room
In seeing that list I hadn’t realized I have not shown you my bedroom. Well that needs to be done asap. I will get it posted next week for you. You’ll love my new essential oil storage that I have in there!
I hope you’re doing well and enjoying 2020 so far. My goal is to catch up with you here and be better about sharing. I hope you have some goals too. Maybe a good nap every once in a while. 🙂